Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2012

Final Fantasy VII PC Re-release Plus Offline Savegame and Mods Mediafire

Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan Game yang satu ini? Game yang dirilis tahun 1997 (PS1) dan 1998 (PC) oleh Square Soft dan tahun 2012 dirilis kembali oleh Square Enix memang sangat Fenomenal di Mata Penggemar Game RPG khususnya JRPG (Japan RPG). Sudah banyak pula yang membuat Mods untuk Final Fantasy VII agar Grafik FF7 semakin halus bahkan ada yang membuat Char Cloud-nya ini sudah mirip dengan Advanced Children, yang jelas kalau belum main Final Fantasy VII, Anda harus mencobanya. Link Mediafire yang lalu telah terhapus dan sekarang ada Link baru, silahkan yang mau download, langsung saja cekidot Link Mediafire-nya..

Solution how to save your game and load game fast for Win7:
1. go to "Control PanelSystem and SecurityWindows Firewall"
2. from left side corner choose "Advanced settings"
3. a widow will pop out from left side corner choose "Outbound Rules"
4. from right corner choose "New Rule"
5. choose Program "it's choosen by defalut" press next
6. Brwose to where you installed the game "defalut setup destintion is C:Program Files (x86)Square EnixFINAL FANTASY VII" choose "ff7_en.exe" if you play other than english choose the approprite exe
ff7_de.exe for dutch
ff7_en.exe for english
ff7_es.exe for espansh
ff7_fr.exe for fransh
7. after you choose the approprite one press next than choose "Block the connection" {again it's choosen by defalut} press next
8. make sure everthing have a cheek {by defalut everthing cheeked} press next
9. choose a name {any name is good better to make it obvious like "ff7_en.exe"} press finish. And there you blocked the game from trying to access the network one more thing

Make all these steps again but this time for "FF7 Updater.exe" and "FF7 UpdateHelper.exe"
you can find them in "%USERPROFILE%/Documents/Square Enix/FINAL FANTASY VII/update-temp"
Make sure you Block both files after that every time you try to access the save game screen it will load faster
Credit to: YAGOB of TPB

Link Download FF7 Remake RELOADED Full (2.4 GB):

Link Download FF7 Remake FullRip-KaOs (1.18 GB):

Link Download FF7 Full CD:
Pass RAR: BismarckVanRiser
NOTE: BismarckVanRiser telah menyertakan 2 File yaitu FF7PC FULL CD Link Mediafire dan SaveGame Editor (Jenova.exe)

FF7 Full Modification and Forum Download:

Final Fantasy VII Remix 2.5.1 Installer
GameFront (4 Parts 1.79 GB):

Mediafire (13 Parts 1.79 GB):

NOTE: Semua ScreenShot masih menjadi Harapan "belum" Kenyataan. Berharap SquareEnix benar-benar jadi merilis Final Fantasy VII Remake for PC seperti ketiga ScreenShot diatas. Mungkin SquareEnix sengaja menyimpannya terlebih dahulu dan mengeluarkan versi Re-release untuk mengetahui seberapa banyak RPG Mania yang masih menyukai Japanese RPG (JRPG) ditengah menjamurnya perusahaan-perusahaan Game Developer yang membuat Games ber-genre Modern/Western RPG.

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