Senin, 30 April 2012

Ridge Racer Unbounded v1.08 Black Box Repack only 450 MB Plus Trainer Mediafire

Umumnya Game Car Racing berukuran download di atas 5 GB dan Spek PC yang dibutuhkan juga hampir setara dengan game FPS tapi Game Ridge Racer Unbounded downloadnya hanya 452 MB dan Spek yang dibutuhkan juga tidak terlalu tinggi alias sedang-sedang saja, yang terpenting Memori RAM Anda harus minimal 2 GB. Kualitas Grafik jangan diragukan lagi, Bismarck VanRiser telah mengetesnya dan hasilnya Gambar City dan Gedung (Karena Game Ridge Racer Unbounded mengambil alur Balapan Liar) terlihat sangat halus dan jelas. Soal Clean Trainer, BismarckVanRiser memberikan Anda Trainer yang bisa membuat Anda Juara 1 Terus (Always 1st) meskipun Anda tak pernah menang sama sekali. Yang penting Anda memiliki Keinginan Kuat untuk menyelesaikan setiap Lap dalam pertandingan yang ada. OK kita lihat dahulu Sekilas Info tentang Game Ridge Racer Unbounded...
Publisher: Namco Bandai Games
Developer: Bugbear Entertainment

The latest title in the RIDGE RACER franchise, RIDGE RACER Unbounded gears up to carve its own destructive path with a new breed of arcade racing. RIDGE RACER Unbounded brings an unexpected dimension to the series, delivering an original blast of ferocious racing adrenaline. Join the Unbounded street racing gang, lead by Kara Shindo, and test your driving skills against rivals in every street and alley of Shatter Bay. Prove your worth, get respect and expand your turf. Crash through everything - Cutting edge physics and effects combine to bring direct destruction like you?ve never seen before. Unleash your rage to obliterate everything in your way and carve your own path.

Key Features:
=> Race in urban environments - Shatter Bay lives by its own rules and is ripe for being torn apart by the overpowered vehicles rampaging through its many areas, including the commercial zone, refinery, port, and high-rise construction site.
=> New breed of racing machines - Traditional racing machines are out and dozens of badass street machines are in, including the legendary RIDGE RACER Angel and Devil cars.
=> Easily create tracks, share them online and compete against your friends.

Minimum System Requirements:
* OS Windows XP, Vista SP2 32-bit, 7 *
* Processor Pentium 4 3.0GHz or Athlon 64 3700+ *
* Memory 2 GB RAM *
* Graphics 512 MB RAM ATI Radeon 4650 or NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT *
* DirectX 9c, VC++ 2008 *
* Hard Drive 3 GB HD space *
* DirectX Compatible Soundcard *

Recommended System Requirements:
* Processor: Core 2 Duo E6750 2.66GHz or Athlon II X2 245 *
* Memory: 3 GB RAM *
* Graphics 1 GB GeForce GT 420 or Radeon HD 5670 *

What's Repacked by Black_Box v2:
* Removed Useless videos *
* Languages: voice/text: English only *
* Version: 1.03 SKIDROW *
* Size Package: 452 MB *
* Install Size: 1.35 GB *
* Include Limited Edition bonus *

Link Download (3 Parts 452 MB):
Update v1.07 (17.75 MB):
Pass Mediafire: FreedomHacker

Clean and Working Trainer +9 (553 KB):
Pass RAR: BismarckVanRiser

Install Notes by BVR:
1. Extract file "RidgeRacer_f_rPK.part1.rar"
2. Run file "Setup.exe"
3. Play the Game and Enjoy
4. Please buy from Software Developer if you enjoy this game!

Your Uninstaller! Pro 2012 v7.4.2012.5 Full Version

Your Uninstaller Pro keluarin versi terbarunya yaitu Your Uninstaller! Pro v7.4.2012.5. The award-winning uninstaller product on the market, mungkin itu Pantas disandang oleh Your Uninstaller Pro karena memang selama ini tidak ada Uninstaller Software yang bisa menyaingi Your Uninstaller Pro. Admin BismarckVanRiser sendiri sudah mencoba beberapa Uninstaller Software lainnya, kayaknya hanya Your Uninstaller Pro yang "Berani" membersihkan peng-uninstal-an software sampai ke Akar-akarnya (maksudnya sampai ke Registry Windows). Ok langsung saja segera ke Tekape n cekidot.
Link Download (8.91 MB):


Ada 2 Utilities yang BismarckVanRiser suka dari Your Uninstaller Pro ini adalah Disk Cleaner dan Trace Eraser. Kedua Fitur Tambahan tersebut selalu saya gunakan untuk membersihkan sisa-sisa file-file yang tidak diperlukan lagi yang terlewatkan oleh Tweaking Utilities Software, Silahkan cekidot kedua Utilities ScreenShot ini:

Minggu, 29 April 2012

Risen 2 Dark Waters v1.0.1168.0 Multi3DLC Full Plus Trainer Mediafire

Risen 2 Dark Waters merupakan Sekuel dari Game RPG sukses Risen yang dikembangkan oleh Piranha Bytes yang membuat Game RPG sukses lainnya seperti Ghotic series (1-3). Yang menjadi pertanyaannya, mengapa yang Bismarck VanRiser share ini versinya masih 1.0.1168.0 dan bukan yang "Terbaru" v1.0.1174.0, apakah versi 1168 masih Beta dan belum Final? Menurut CheatHappens justru versi 1168 lah yang menjadi WRITTEN FOR THE ORIGINAL (1.0.1168.0) RETAIL/STEAM VERSION OF THE GAME dan itu artinya Clean alias Bebas Trojan/Virus (Lho memangnya ada versi yang Tidak Clean?). Adalah versi 1174 yang BVR cek di VirusTotal menandakan 15 dari 42 Antivirus meng-klaim bahwa versi 1174 ini telah terjangkit Trojan (Generic Virus), Anda bisa lihat infonya disini. Lalu v1.0.1174.0 itu sebenarnya siapa yang keluarkan? BismarckVanRiser akan memberikan Link downloadnya sehingga Anda akan mengetahuinya sendiri. Sepertinya biasanya, Game ini sudah dites Working beserta Clean Trainer-nya jadi bagi Anda yang ingin memainkannya sampai Tamat, jangan ragu untuk download.

Publisher: Deep Silver | Developer: Piranha Bytes
Release Date: April 24, 2012 | Genre: RPG

Set several years after the end of Risen, raging titans have devastated the world and pushed humanity to the brink of existence. Subsequently, monstrous creatures have risen from the watery depths of the sea and their attacks have brought all seafaring to a grinding halt. The hero, now a member of the Inquisition, is sent out to find out how to stop the chaos caused by these creatures from the deep. His quest begins with rumors that the pirates who frequent the southern islands are the only ones who know a way to get rid of the creatures once and for all and end their reign of terror.

=> Risen 2 presents a fantasy set in a tropical setting only, in an open world full of firearms, dirty tricks and magical style perfectly suited to the context.
=> The game introduces sophisticated art technology which provides optimized high resolution textures, water effects, lights and shadows entirely new character animations completely refurbished, a comprehensive modeling of NPCs.
=> One of the most intense and immersive games ever created, Risen 2 aims to involve players in a world full cycle of day and night, a dynamic climate model, NPCs with daily routines that react to your behavior, and even artificial intelligence of the creatures you can see looking in the trash.
=> Risen 2 allows players to customize the game experience and even the environment depending on their actions and choices. Every choice has a consequence, can alter your character's skills, his relationship with the NPC, or even unlock new paths.
=> Several islands unique, hand designed in detail and unique in every corner that encourage exploration and adventure as the player goes in search of treasures and hidden places.
=> Extension of the most popular RPG from the developers of the legendary "Gothic"
=> 6 large islands where pirates are enemies of the Inquisition +1 island in the appendix
=> About 80 hours of gameplay in the company with the most notorious thugs Archipelago
=> Bright dialogue, filled with crude humor, pirate
=> Support service Steam, including a variety of achievements
=> A rich system of craft , from voodoo dolls to the frightening of all conceivable varieties of rum
=> More than 70 active and passive skills

Minimum System Requirements:
* OS: Win XP SP3 or Vista SP1 or Win7 *
* Processor: Dual Core with 2.1 GHz *
* Memory: 2 GB System RAM *
* Hard Disk Space: 4 GB *
* Video Card: 512 MB Radeon 3870 / GeForce 8800 GTX *
* DirectX®: 9.1c *
* Sound: DirectX compatible soundcard *

Recommended System Requirements:
* Processor: Dual Core with 3 GHz *
* Memory: 4 GB System RAM *
* Video Card: 1024 MB Radeon 4890 / GeForce GTX 260 *

What's Repack by R.G. ReCoding:
* This is the Complete game (Lossless Type) *
* No Videos Recoded (Default Resolution) *
* Tablet: enclosing (SKIDROW) *
* Cut Polish scoring *
* Ability to select any combination of the interface language and dubbing *
* Ability to record on a DVD5 *
* For the basis the release of Steam-Rip *
* Game Version 1.0.1168 *
* Installation of 5-8 minutes *
* Voice Language: Russian (RUS), English (ENG), German (DE) *
* Subtitle Language: Multi8 *
NOTE: Edit file X:\(Risen 2 Game Folder)\data\ini\ConfigDefault.xml with Notepad, Find following line: SubtitleLanguage="English" (You can change to English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Czech)

3 Downloadable Content (DLC):
* Pirate Gorge *
* Treasure Island *
* Temple of air *

Link Download Repack Multi3DLC (23 Parts 4.38 GB):
Pass MF:

Clean and Working Trainer +13 (578 KB):
Pass RAR: BismarckVanRiser

Risen2.exe v1.0.1174.0 (5.8 MB):
NOTE: Don't Open it, there are a trojan in that file.

Install Notes by BVR:
1. Extract File "black-load.blogspot.com_R2.Repack.R.G.ReC.part01.rar"
2. Extract File "R2.Repack.R.G.ReC_3DLC.part01.rar"
3. Run File "Setup.exe"
4. Play the Game  from X:\Games\Risen 2 Dark Waters\system\Risen2.exe
5. Support Piranha Bytes, if you like this games please buy it so they can make other Games better again

Senin, 23 April 2012

Blades of Time Repack BlackBox Plus Trainer and SaveGame Mediafire

Anda masih ingat Ayumi, Character utama Game X-Blades (2009) yang lebih Bohai (Bokong Aduhai) dari Lara Croft dalam Tomb Rider? Nah sekarang sudah ada versi Terbarunya berjudul Blades of Time. Game ini sendiri merupakan Game Action Hack-n-Slash dan kabarnya Game Blades of Time banyak dimainkan oleh Semua Orang tanpa membedakan Gender (Pria dan Wanita). Tak percaya, Anda bisa lihat sendiri, Artis Akina Minami saja suka pada Game Blades of Time (Lihat ScreenShot). OK langsung saja bagi yang ingin download, bisa download dari Mediafire, Bismarck VanRiser juga menyediakan Fixed Clean Trainer yang Lengkap ada One Hit Kill, sudah dites working.
UPDATE: BVR telah memainkan Game ini sampai Tamat dan ini ada SaveGame Sesudah melewati semua Puzzle dan sebelum Boss Terakhir, Enjoy!

Publisher: Konami
Developer: Gaijin Entertainment
Genre: Action

Gunswords, booty (of the gold and jewels kind!) and a cute outfit? All in a day’s work. Play as the gorgeous gunsword-wielding treasure hunter Ayumi as she carves a path of destruction through a mysterious and dangerous island in Blades of Time. While rich with bounty, the island is also caught in the throes of Chaos magic. Ayumi soon discovers that it is also the home of thousands of long-held secrets, including special powers and abilities that she can gain for herself. Using everything she can, she must find a way to defeat armies of menacing villains and a multitude of treacherous traps in order to break free of the possessed island’s grasp.
(Ayumi lebih Bohai daripada Lara Croft)
=> Richly entertaining characters. From the young yet tough Ayumi to her wise and battle worn mentor Zero and more, this character-driven story has a unique charm, banter and mystery all to its own.
=> Lushly designed environments. Experience huge and beautifully realized game locations, including snowy lands, jungles, ancients cities, temples and sky islands.
=> Deep combat system. Unlock 40+ sets of skills, including melee, tactics, combos, as well as the powerful Order and Chaos forms of magic to defeat your foes.
=> Special moves change up gameplay — Time Rewind allows Ayumi to turn back time and produce a clone of herself to help solve puzzles, tackle hordes of enemies, and more. All-new Dash ability means Ayumi can close the distance between herself and her enemy prey almost instantly, as well as travel quickly using environmental features.
=> Robust multiplayer options. Fire up a co-op Campaign or battle in PvP.

System Requirements:
* Operating system: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows Vista *
* Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.6GHz or AMD 3500+ *
* Memory: 2 GB * *
* Hard disk space: 3 GB
* VGA: 256 MB Ati Radeon x1300 / nVidia GeForce 7300 GS *
* Sound: Direct X-compatible sound card *
* DirectX®: 9.0c *

What's Repack by Black_Box:
Ripped: other languages
Recode: None
Language: English (Multi7 text 7)
Size: 1.78 GB
Critical update included

Update Link Download (10 Parts 1.78 GB):
Pass MF: fadilblogx
Pass RAR:

Door Bug Fix (2.03 MB):

Clean and Working Trainer Fixed (546 KB):
Pass RAR: BismarckVanRiser

SaveGame Normal&Hard by BismarckVanRiser:
Pass RAR: BismarckVanRiser

(Boss sebesar ini pasti sulit dikalahkan tapi jangan kuatir karena ada Clean Trainer. Enjoy!!)

Jumat, 20 April 2012

Might and Magic Clash of Heroes RELOADED Plus Trainer Mediafire

Anda tentu sudah pernah kenal Heroes of Might and Magic Game Turn-based Strategy yang memiliki unsur RPG seperti WarCraft? Bagaimana jika Ubisoft membuat sebaliknya sebuah Game RPG yang memiliki Unsur Strategy (Puzzle)? Pastinya keren kali ya karena kalau tidak tak mungkin PC IGN memberikan Score 9 (Amazing) pada Game Might and Magic Clash of Heroes. Game ini akan mengingatkan Anda pada Chrono Cross atau Legend of Mana karena Character Game MMCoH memang dibuat demikian agar RPG Mania bisa bernostalgia dengan Game-game JRPG (Japanese RPG). Game Might and Magic Clash of Heroes begitu mudah dimainkan karena Bismarck VanRiser menyertakan Clean and Working Trainer yang sudah dites sehingga mempermudah Anda menamatkan dan mengetahui Alur Cerita-nya. OK langsung saja yang ingin download hanya 1.61 GB dari Link Mediafire.

Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Capybara Games
Genre: Puzzle RPG-Adventure

Set in the Might and Magic universe, Might and Magic Clash of Heroes is incorporating role-playing elements, adventure and an innovative and dynamic combat system based on puzzle mechanicsMight and Magic Clash of Heroes takes place 40 years before the Heroes V saga. Scattered across five different regions of Ashan, 5 special heroes must travel their own dangerous paths to grow in strength, unravel a demonic plot, and ultimately save the world from Chaos.

=> Art of Tactics: Create offensive or defensive unit formations, learn advanced combos and make the best of your spells and artifacts to build up the right strategy and overcome your enemies.
=> Various challenges: Defeat the enemy heroes by crossing their armies in standard battles.
=> Launch into special challenges and Boss fights where your strategic skills will be put to a severe test.
=> Solve puzzle battles by finding the right combination and wipe-out the enemy in a limited number of turns.
=> HD art, music & sounds: Enjoy the rich Might & Magic universe.
=> Multiple Heroes: Choose from 10 different characters, each one featuring unique spells and abilities.
=> Join a friend and face until two opponents in dynamic & strategic coop battles.

Minimum System Requirements:
* OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 *
* Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 3.0 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 3200+ *
* Memory: 1 GB *
* Hard Drive: 1.6 GB free *
* VGA: 256 MB nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X1300 *
* Sound Card: DirectX Compatible *
* Network: Broadband Internet Connection for Online Multiplayer *
* DirectX: 9.0c *
* Keyboard and Mouse *

Recommended  System Requirements:
* Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200+ *
* Memory: 2 GB *
* VGA: 512 MB nVidia GeForce 8800 / ATI Radeon HD 3850 *
New Link Download (2 Parts 1.61 GB):
Clean and Working Trainer (375 KB):
Pass RAR: BismarckVanRiser

Install Notes by BVR:
1. Unrar the Package
2. Extract fie "rld-mmch.rar"
3. Burn or Mount or Extract fie "rld-mmch.iso"
4. Do not Run file "Setup.exe", it will download Steam
5. Just Run file "steambackup2.EXE" and Ectract to the Folder that you want
6. Play the Game
7. Support Ubisoft, if you like this games please buy it so Ubisoft can make other Games better again

Rabu, 18 April 2012

Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning: Teeth of Naros DLC Plus Trainer Mediafire

Teeth of Naros DLC merupakan DLC (Downloadable Content) kedua untuk Game RPG Fantastis Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning. Silahkan yang ingin download DLC-nya, tapi pastikan Anda telah memiliki Game Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning atau bagi yang belum punya dapat Anda download disini.

Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: Big Huge Games
Genre: RPG

Unlocked items:
* Weapons & Armor Bundle *
* Fate-Touched Weapons Pack *
* The Destinies Choice Pack *
* The Ultimate Treasure Hunter Pack *
* Confident - Twist of Fate *
* Omniblades - daggers *
* Twinned Souls - chakrams *
* Infernal Helm - armor *
* Destiny's Spiral - shield *
* Destiny's Distress - shield *
* Spinning Tom's Anvil - shield *
* Elixir of Inspiration - consumable *
* Shepard's Armor Set *

For decades the Kollossae, a proud people of faith and large stature, have wandered the face of Amalur in pursuit of the destiny that is due to them, but all does not appear right. Upon your expedition to Teeth of Naros, Secandra and her band of Kollossae warriors require your help to solve the riddle of the Titans. A mysterious force beckons the Kollossae toward a destiny they may not entirely want nor are ready to embrace. Take on a crucible of faith filled with fantastic new enemies and determine if you are fated to be favored by the gods or forsaken by them. In an epic new journey filled with tons of side quests, adventure through a paradise seen by few, and for good reason. Ascend to the floating city above Teeth of Naros and get a glimpse into the future of Amalur.

Unravel the mystery of the devout Kollossae giants *
Quest in the Teeth of Naros, a forgotten land filled with danger *
Travel to the vast, magical floating city of Idylla *

It also contains the following:
=> A New City — Explore the city of Idylla, which magically floats in the sky above the Teeth of Naros featuring more than 20 side quests, multiple dungeons and a mysterious new race.
=> New Enemies and Dungeons — Players will take part in a crucible of faith and tribulation with new dangers and enemies as they journey through five enormous new dungeons.
=> New Twists of Fate and Items — Three new Twists of Fate, nine new armor sets, six new shields and 18 new unique weapons for players to choose from as they journey through this new world.

Minimum System Requirements:
* OS: Windows XP SP3 / Windows Vista SP2 / Windows 7 SP1 *
* Processor: 2.2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or 2.6GHz AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ *
* Memory: 1 GB RAM for Windows XP / 2 GB Windows Vista and Windows 7 *
* Hard Disk Space: 10.5 GB *
* Video: 512 MB with Pixel Shader 3.0 and 1280×720 minimum resolution support *
NVIDIA GeForce 8800 / 512MB RAM or better, ATI Radeon HD3850 / 512MB RAM
* Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible *
* DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c *

Recommended System Requirements:
* Processor: 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Quad or 2.6GHz AMD Phenom X4 *
* Memory: 3 GB RAM for Windows XP / 4 GB Windows Vista and Windows 7 *
* Video: 1 GB with Pixel Shader 3.0 and 1280×720 minimum resolution support *
NVIDIA GeForce GTX260 / 1GB RAM or better, ATI Radeon HD4850 / 1GB RAM

Link Download (5 Parts 971 MB):

Clean and Working Trainer All+2DLC (569 KB):
Pass RAR: BismarckVanRiser

Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning: Legend of Dead Kel DLC Plus Trainer Mediafire

Legend of Dead Kel DLC merupakan DLC (Downloadable Content) pertama untuk Game RPG Fantastis Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning. Silahkan yang ingin download DLC-nya, tapi pastikan Anda sudah memiliki Game Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning terlebih dahulu atau bagi yang belum punya dapat Anda download disini.

Description and Feature:
The legendary pirate Dead Kel and his Hanged Men have returned to haunt the seas of northern Amalur. Embark on a journey to the distant island of Gallows End with the eccentric Captain Brattigan in an adventure that will uncover a secret so great that it has incited wars and toppled kingdoms.

Discover powerful new weapons and Twist of Fate Cards and use them to conquer the island's unique inhabitants. Become the Lord of Gravehal Keep and lay claim to the once great fort standing upon the edge of a cliff in the most expansive player housing option yet. In an extensive new story and a host of new side quests, battle treacherous new enemies and face exciting new challenges on the mysterious island of Gallows End.

Minimum System Requirements:
* OS: Windows XP SP3 / Windows Vista SP2 / Windows 7 SP1 *
* Processor: 2.2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or 2.6GHz AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ *
* Memory: 1 GB RAM for Windows XP / 2 GB Windows Vista and Windows 7 *
* Hard Disk Space: 10.5 GB *
* Video: 512 MB with Pixel Shader 3.0 and 1280×720 minimum resolution support *
NVIDIA GeForce 8800 / 512MB RAM or better, ATI Radeon HD3850 / 512MB RAM
* Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible *
* DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c *

Recommended System Requirements:
* Processor: 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Quad or 2.6GHz AMD Phenom X4 *
* Memory: 3 GB RAM for Windows XP / 4 GB Windows Vista and Windows 7 *
* Video: 1 GB with Pixel Shader 3.0 and 1280×720 minimum resolution support *
NVIDIA GeForce GTX260 / 1GB RAM or better, ATI Radeon HD4850 / 1GB RAM

This release includes:
* Update v1.0.0.2 *
* Legend of Dead Kel DLC *
* Pre-order/bonus items and Weapons & Armor Bundle *
* Size: 917 MB *

Link Download (4 Parts 883.92 MB):
Pass RAR:  bydesmond14

Clean and Working Trainer (581 KB):
Pass RAR: BismarckVanRiser

Install Notes:
1. Unpack the release
2. Mount or burn image
3. Install
4. Copy everything from the SKIDROW folder into the game installation
5. Play the game
6. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!

Ghost Windows 7 Orange SP1 Lite with IE9 only 748 MB Mediafire

Bismarck VanRiser Cari-cari Windows 7 yang sudah support SP1 dan IE9 versi Ghost-nya akhirnya ketemu juga. Ghost Windows 7 Orange SP1 Lite with IE9 dan Bismarck VanRiser juga menyertakan Orange Theme untuk Windows 7, silahkan download yang benar-benar perlu, hanya 748 MB dan yang ingin download Orange Theme-nya saja bisa. UPDATE: BVR telah menambahkan Orange Theme dengan 15 Cursors Transparan dan Glow (bisa menyala) akan semakin memperindah Wallpaper yang "Transparan" pula ;-)
(Right-Click then Open in New Tab to Enlarge ScreenShot)

Untuk Fiturnya, boleh dikatakan ini sama persis dengan Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 IE9 Eng Lite v4 by IK, hanya saja Windows 7 ini dibuat versi Ghost dan BVR menambahkan Orange Theme sehingga Windows 7 SP1 Lite ini terlihat begitu Seksi ehm...

Link Download (4 Parts 748 MB):
NOTE: Before download, please take your time to see Bismarck Portable Wireless Amplifier Product.
Thank You for Visiting this Blog.
(Right-Click then Open in New Tab to Enlarge ScreenShot)

Singel Link (748 MB) Plus Tutorial:
Tutorial 1: JumboFiles
Tutorial 2: 4Share

Orange Themes for Windows 7 All Version (886 KB):
NOTE: Just Copy at Folder "C:\Windows\Resources" then go to Control Panel=>Personalization=>choose "electric orange" Themes

Selasa, 17 April 2012

Windows 7 SP1 AIO x86 x64 (22in1) LEGO November 2011 Mediafire

Sebagian besar orang memilih OS selalu ingin yang Paling...Paling Ringan, Paling Lengkap, pokoknya terbaik lah. Windows 7 Paling Ringan sudah pernah diposting di Blog Terpercaya ini, namun Bismarck VanRiser belum pernah posting tentang Windows 7 Paling Lengkap alias All-in-One dalam 1 DVD. Karena itu BismarckVanRiser ingin membagikan Windows 7 yang sudah mencakup semua Platform dan Version yang ada. Bukan cuma itu saja, sebagai Blog yang Terpercaya, tentu BVR harus mengetes Software bukan hanya Link Download-nya saja tetapi juga Kualitas dari Software tersebut. Kasihan Pengunjung yang telah download tapi tidak Working alias sia-sia. OK mari kita langsung ke Tekape dan Simak lebih jauh Tentang Windows 7 SP1 AIO x86 x64 (22in1) LEGO by CtrlSoft.

This assembly includes a single image and six 32-bit editions and five 64-bit editions of Windows 7 with updates to November 2011. Were integrated into 20 original local packages. After installation you will be no different in functionality from the original distribution product.

=> Windows 7 Starter x86 (32-bit)
=> Windows 7 Home Basic x86 (32-bit)
=> Windows 7 Home Premium x86 (32-bit)
=> Windows 7 Professional x86 (32-bit)
=> Windows 7 Ultimate x86 (32-bit)
=> Windows 7 Enterprise x86 (32-bit)

=> Windows 7 Home Basic x64 (64-bit)
=> Windows 7 Home Premium x64 (64-bit)
=> Windows 7 Professional x64 (64-bit)
=> Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (64-bit)
=> Windows 7 Enterprise x64 (64-bit)

Different Windows PE
When booting from the media, the user is prompted to select the architecture of Pre medium - 32-bit or 64-digit version. This method increases the likelihood of a successful installation on the computers of various configurations, including a computer with a disk array RAID. Also, do not have to worry that the System Restore service is not available for 64-bit OS.

Can be installed in 2 languages: English and Russian (Multi2)
Before installation, you can select the system language. When you select the English language, Russian language pack is not installed. If, however, choose Russian - user can switch the interface language using standard tools (intl.cpl) *, from Russian into English and vice versa. This innovation saves disk space, but unfortunately, increases the installation time for a couple of minutes in the choice of the Russian language.
* Available only in the edition of Ultimate (maximum) and Enterprise (Corporate)

Ability to update a previous version of Windows
This assembly provides the ability to update not only the 32-bit versions of Windows, but the 64-bit, that one of its kind - unique!
Note. When the updates are stored files, settings, programs, and user accounts are used in the current version of Windows.

Net system - no resources patched
The assembly is not crammed with various third-party resource clearance. There were only 20 original integrated local packages. After installation, you will receive is no different in functionality from the original distribution product.
Note. In the Russian version of the problem with the Start menu is no more. Also fixed a bug related to the inability to use the Cyrillic alphabet in setting the computer name. (Official correction)

More functional menu of Windows PE
Advanced system recovery
In the System Restore service module is integrated Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset (MSDaRT), which significantly expands the possibilities of resuscitation system.

Advanced installation methods (see the value of LEGO)
Includes all the latest updates
* Integrate updates available on the day of publication including the latest - 9 th version of Internet Explorer. Have been added components such as. Net Framework, Security Essentials, Silverlight.
* In fact, only integrated Internet Explorer 9. The remaining updates are installed directly from the media.

The possibility of further self-assembly to monitor the timeliness
Thanks to an innovative method of installation, the user can easily remove / add updates without resorting to special programs for deploying Windows.

The possibility of adding language packs
If necessary, the user can add their own language pack in the distribution of Windows. WinPE (Preinstallation Environment Windows) will still only available in English and Russian, but the process of installing Windows will be the language chosen by the user.

Fully compatible with the project «MultiBoot USB» (C) Jeckson07

Registry tweaks:
Version 11.10:
OEM information in the computer properties
Version 11.11:
Do not show page dating from the browser (Internet Explorer 9)

Version History: Version 11.11:
Added update to November
Removed registry tweak "OEM information in svoysva Computer"
The properties of the PC without OEM-information (version 11.11)
Added registry tweak "Do not show page dating from the browser (Internet Explorer 9)"
Fixes a bug in which running Internet Explorer, every time there is the tab "Meet with your browser"
To create an ISO-image based on two boot: - for BIOS and Efisys.bin - for UEFI.
Now there should be problems with the installation of Apple computers and Parallels Desktop.
Theoretically, the error in which the letter is not properly defined media

System requirements:
32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor with a clock speed of 1 gigahertz (GHz) or higher;
1 gigabyte (GB) (32-bit) or 2 GB (64-bit system), memory (RAM);
16 gigabytes (GB) (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit system) hard-disk space;
DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM driver version 1.0 or higher.

On the file:
Enabling | reg code: None (use activators)
Language: English / Russian
File Format: iso
Platform: x86/x64

= FAQ =

Q: Where is the key! What to enter during the installation? And why the assembly has not been activated?
A: During installation, enter the key corresponding to the selected version. The product key can be purchased at the store. Since July 2011 I (CtrlSoft) do not build with built-in activator.
P.S. Sometimes the activator (or set for automatic activation) is laid out as a bonus.

Question: Can you turn on Automatic Updates?
A: Yes you can. Any further potential problems depend on you.

Q: How did you manage to combine 22 systems on a single disk? Something cut out?
A: In fact, only 11 systems, but they may set in two languages. No, nothing was cut. I've never done this and probably never will. The result achieved by a more careful study of the installer Windows, you may WIM format, and perhaps rethink some approaches. 

Question: How does the system installed in the assembly, from the original?
Answer: In addition to the integrated 20 local issues and the latest updates installed, no different from the official version of the final product will not have.

Q: What does the term «AIO»?
Answer: All In One means "all in one."

Q: What does the term «LEGO»?
Answer: LEGO - a popular designer. This term is in some measure to the assembly. Thanks to some innovations, it is possible to install the assembly, even from the flash drive with 512 MB or does not support! The user can change the image of yourself without any special knowledge, while creating an assembly that will include the latest updates and necessary language support packages.

Q: Is Available MSDaRT when running "Repair your computer" by pressing F8?
A: Yes. MSDaRT available and boot from the disk and at boot press F8.

Q: What version MSDaRT been integrated?
Answer: Since the last, 7th edition does not Russified, decided to integrate version 6.5.

Link Download Win7AIO26in1May2012:

Clean Activator (2.5 MB):

Update Patch Plus Tutorial by BVR:
Pass RAR: BismarckVanRiser
NOTE: Before you install Windows 7 AIO, Extract ISO file first and do the tutorial that I gave to you.

Dan ini adalah ScreenShot Bukti bahwa BVR telah mendownload Windows tersebut:
(Right-Click then Open in New Tab to Enlarge ScreenShot)

100% Working terinstall melalui VirtualBox dengan Spesifikasi:
Virtual Memory 768 MB dan Virtual Hard Disk 20 GB
(Right-Click then Open in New Tab to Enlarge ScreenShot)

NOTE: if you has Complain after Finish Download 22 Parts of Windows then you can Email me to Get the Best Solution (it's 100% Working, trust me!!)

Senin, 16 April 2012

Defenders of Ardania v1.2 Repack only 370 MB Plus Trainer Mediafire

Defenders of Ardania merupakan Game Strategy berjenis Tower Defense dimana Tugas Anda adalah mempertahankan Benteng Anda sekaligus menyerang Benteng Lawan untuk mendapatkan Kemenangan. Game ini bisa dimainkan siapa saja termasuk orang Awam sekalipun karena di awal permainan Anda akan mendapatkan Tutorial yang menurut Bismarck VanRiser mudah dipahami. Silahkan yang ingin download Game Defenders of Ardania hanya 370 MB dan bila Anda kesulitan seperti biasa BismarckVanRiser selalu menyediakan Clean and Working Trainer-nya.

Defenders of Ardania
Publisher: Paradox Interactive
Developer: Most Wanted Entertainment

Defenders of Ardania is a next-generation tower defense game that is being developed for four different platforms - PC, iPad, PSN and XBLA. The game is set in the rich fantasy world of Majesty, but with a twist. Besides the addictive core mechanics of placing towers to stop advancing enemy units, Defenders of Ardania also allows players to take on the role of the attackers seeking to conquer the enemy base.

Defenders of Ardanias innovative new game concepts include light RTS elements, taking the popular genre to the next level. Players must oversee unit production and upgrades while assembling the most effective army from one of three playable races, each with unique locations, towers, and units. However, without magic, a fantasy game is little more than a toothless lion (or dragon, rather), so a wide range of spells will be available for players to decimate their enemies and protect their forces.

Although Defenders of Ardania includes a single-player portion, the focus of the game is undoubtedly multiplayer, where two to four players can take each other on or compete against AI opponents via Internet, LAN, or PSN. The multiplayer component offers three different game modes where players can assume either the defensive or offensive sides –or both!

=> An intriguing new take on the massively popular tower defense genre: players lead both offensive and defensive operations
=> Ardania: the world of Majesty with three playable races and their unique environments
=> Defense: 24 different upgradeable towers to erect against the invading enemy
=> Attack: 24 varied units with diverse attributes to assemble into an offensive force
=> Strong multiplayer component with a variety of game modes for up to four players
=> Interactive environment that affects gameplay
=> A wide range of offensive and defensive spells

Minimum System Requirements:
* OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 *
* Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 3.2 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 3500+ *
* Memory: 1 GB *
* Hard Drive: 2 GB free *
* Video Card: 512 MB nVidia GeForce 8800 / ATI Radeon HD 3870 *
* Sound Card: DirectX Compatible *
* DirectX: 9.0c *
* Keyboard & Mouse *

Recommended System Requirements:
* Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 3.0 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ *
* Memory: 2 GB *
* Video Memory: 1 GB nVidia GeForce GTX 260 / ATI Radeon HD 4870 *

What's Repacked by KaOsKrew:
* Type: Lossless /a:rebuild *
* Language: voice:English text:Multi5 *
* Size: 370 MB *
* Include Update1 *

Defenders of Ardania v1.2 Update Changelog:
* The towers now have more recognizable player colors *
* The HP of the enemy bases on the first 5 levels of the campaign is highly reduced *
* All levels are unlocked in Skirmish mode *
* Multi-monitor Fix: The game now appears on the primary monitor *
* 16:10 Fix: The game now supports the 1920*1200 resolution *
* The damage value of the towers on the info panel are now correct *
* The HP bar of the towers are now more visible *
* The staistics in the encyclopedia are now correct *
* The color of the occupied grid tiles are now turn to the player's color *

Link Download (2 Parts 370 MB):

Update v1.2 SKIDROW (4.34 MB):

Clean and Working Trainer for v1.1-1.2 (497 KB):
Pass RAR: BismarckVanRiser

Install Notes by BVR:
1. Extract file "Def_of_Ard_k_rPK.part1.rar"
2. Run file "Install.exe"
3. Play the Game and Enjoy
4. Please support Software Developer with Buy the Game that you enjoy!

Minggu, 15 April 2012

Dungeon Siege III Plus Update 1-DLC-Trainer-Xpadder-SaveGame Mediafire

Game RPG besutan Square Enix yang layak dimainkan, Bismarck VanRiser telah memainkannya hingga Tamat tentu saja dengan bantuan Trainer. Bagi sudah punya Game Dungeon Siege III (BVR membeli DVD-nya) silahkan Download Treasures of the Sun DLC dan Update 1. Bagi yang belum punya DVD Game DS3 bisa beli hanya 1 DVD dan Anda tidak akan Rugi memainkannya. Atau jika Anda ingin download, BismarckVanRiser hanya bisa memberikan Link Mediafire-nya saja. Game DS3 akan lebih Asyik lagi bila dimainkan dengan menggunakan GamePad Controller dan Xpadder. BVR juga memberikan Settingan untuk Xpadder plus Last SaveGame BVR. Di dalam SaveGame tersebut, Anda akan mengerti cara setting Skill yang tepat supaya mudah menamatkan Game DS3. Pokoknya Lengkap deh, let's cekidot...

Publisher: Square Enix | Developer: Obsidian Entertainment
Genre: RPG | Release Date: June 17, 2011 | DVD5(S): 1

In Dungeon Siege III, players assume the role of one of four legionnaires in the crumbling kingdom of Ehb. Do battle as a lone hero or fight alongside up to three friends and, thanks to robust AI, DUNGEON SIEGE III's co-op multiplayer mode allows players to seamlessly drop in and out of battle without interrupting the action or impacting the campaign.

In Dungeon Siege III: Treasures of the Sun, players will extend their journey and travel beyond the borders of Ehb to an all-new environment: the Aranoi Desert. On their search for a lost Legion hero, players will fight through hordes of new villains only to find a forgotten abbey hiding a long-lost secret: the greatest treasure of the Azunite faith.

Dungeon Siege III Features:
=> The game will be returning to the Kingdom of Ehb and focus on the 10th Legion.
=> The Legion became powerful with its influence matching the monarchy. Thirty years ago, the Ehb’s king was murdered and the blame was cast upon the Legion.
=> Intuitive fast-paced gameplay, a robust RPG system featuring a large selection of abilities, loot galore.

Treasures of the Sun DLC Features:
=> New abilities: Players will be able to attain mastery of the arcane through powerful new attack, defense and healing abilities.
=> Level up to 35: Treasures of the Sun will further power up players by raising Dungeon Siege III's existing level cap from 30 to 35.
=> More monsters and items: Players will encounter new monsters in the Aranoi Desertincluding mummies and giant skeletonsand will find more powerful items, adding to the thousands already available in Dungeon Siege III.
=> Reallocate Talent & Proficiency Points: Players can reallocate points spent in Proficiencies and Talents, enabling changes to character customization throughout the campaign.
=> New Enchanting System: Transmuting items now gives players chances at gaining powerful new Vials that allow them to enhance their weapons and armor through the DLC's new enchanting system.

Minimum System Rquirements:
* OS: Windows XP/ Windows Vista/ Windows 7 *
* Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.4 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200 or Better *
* Memory Ram: 1.5 GB *
* Hard Disk Space: 5 GB free *
* Video: 512 Mb nVidia GeForce 8800 / ATI Radeon HD 3870 *
* Sound Card: DirectX Compatible *
* DirectX: 9.0_43 *
* Keyboard and Mouse *

Recommended System Requirements:
* Processor: Intel Core i5 @ 2.66 GHz / AMD Phenom II X4 @ 2.8 GHz *
* Memory Ram: 2 GB *
* Video: 896 MB nVidia GeForce GTX 260 / ATI Radeon HD 4870 *
* Xbox360 or USB GamePad Controller with Xpadder *

Download Dungeon Siege III Reloaded (23 Parts 4.35 GB):

Download  Treasures of the Sun DLC (4 Parts 680 MB):

Dungeon Siege III Update 1 info:
=> Keybinding has now been implemented into Dungeon Siege III
=> Added two new controls that will allow the players to move left or right. This is included on the keybinding screen.
=> Fixes an issue where the gamepad would default to on, even if you have no gamepad plugged in.
=> Fixed an issue in Multiplayer where if either the host or the client is using a gamepad and are playing with someone who is using the mouse/keyboard, the host hangs when switching to the ending cutscene.
=> Fixed an issue with certain graphic cards where it would occasionally display large black pixels in the middle of the screen.
=> Fixed a potential crash when players try to reconnect after disconnecting during a conversation.
=> We’ve implemented a fix that will revert the A/D reversed issue for people that are still reporting this issue.
=> Fixed a potential crash when players would join a Multiplayer game in a certain order.

Download Update 1 by SKIDROW (70.3 MB):

Clean and Working Trainer All Version (492 KB):
Pass RAR: BismarckVanRiser

Last SaveGame and Xpadder Setting for USB GamePad:

Install Notes by BVR:
1. Unpack the release
2. Install Dungeon Siege III-RELOADED
3. Install Dungeon Siege III Treasures of the Sun DLC-SKIDROW
4. Install Dungeon Siege III Update 1-SKIDROW
4. Copy everything from the SKIDROW Update 1 folder to the game installation
5. Play the game
6. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!

Windows XP3 Professional Black Edition April 2012 Mediafire

Ehm, Windows XP SP3 apalagi nih yang diposting Bismarck VanRiser? Windows XP3 Professional Black Edition February 2012 cukup heboh saat ini karena bila Anda lihat dari Deskripsi Lengkap-nya pasti Anda tertarik.  BismarckVanRiser sudah download dan mencoba Windows  XP3 ini, mau tahu hasil Analisa BVR? Jawabannya: No Comment deh kali ini. Soalnya kalau dikomentari disangka menjelekkan, mending yang ingin berminat coba Windows Black Edition Feb 2012, silahkan download saja dari Link Mediafire dan inilah Deskripsi Lengkap-nya...

General Info:
=> This is the original Windows XP Professional SP3 32-bit (Volume License) ISO from Microsoft.
=> Installation process is Unattended with Prompt repair option.
=> This Windows XP is updatable a Valid WGA CD-Key is already inserted and a WGA crack will be also installed and a Windows XP Activation is not required.
=> Includes all official and some unofficial Windows XP Service Pack 3 Updates till 10.4.2012.
=> Over 200 MB integrated drivers for SATA/ACHI, LAN, WLAN and Monitors.
=> A lot of Windows XP settings have been already set and are also set for new created Windows XP accounts.
=> Includes a Codec Pack that will decode and encode almost every Audio and Video file format.
=> Booting and Running a little bit faster because some worthless Windows XP files and Programs are removed and all the Windows XP Updates are slipstreamed.
=> After the Windows XP installation you can choose if you want the Preconfigured Settings and the Extra Programs to be implemented, When nothing has been selected after 60 seconds then the option Yes will be automatically selected.
=> This Windows XP is in english but you can downloaded a Windows XP Mega Languages Pack from "" if you want to change the Windows XP System Language

Important Info:
=> This Windows XP is not for Upgrading you must make a clean installation on a formatted Hard disk drive or Partition.
=> It is also possible to add Extra Programs and Custom Settings by editing the files in the directory "(source)\OEM\RunOnce" and the file "WINNT.SIF" in the directory "(source)\I386". To do this you need to use a ISO Editor and a text editor to open this files.
=> If you install this Windows XP on several computers and want a full automated installation then you need use an ISO Editor and replace the file "WINNT.SIF" in the "(source)\OEM" folder with the one in the "(source)\I386" folder. When you now Boot from this Disc then the main Hard disk drive will be formatted and a new partition will be create and Windows XP will be automatically installed on this partition. Note if you are replacing this "WINNT.SIF" file then you will loss the Recovery Console and the Repair Option that you could run from the Windows XP Disc.
=> If the Windows XP installation hangs or if you get a Blue Screen Error during the Windows XP installation then this is probably due to a SATA driver problem. To fix this problem you should do the steps under "Infos on how to Remove the included Drivers and include your own Drivers". If you have a Blue Screen Error during the Windows XP installation then you could use a workaround for this by going into your BIOS and then by turn off the option SATA/ACHI or by changing the SATA Mode option to IDE. This should normally fix the Blue Screen Error, But with this workaround you will loss around 2 to 10 percent of your Hard disk speed.

Infos for Newbies:
=> The Minimum Computer Requirements ia a "600 MHz Processor" with a "256 MB RAM" and "4 GB Hard disk drive" and a "Super VGA (800x600) Video Adapter".
=> If you miss some standard Windows XP programs then open the Windows XP Favorites folder and there you will find alternative links to better programs. This Windows XP programs are removed because they are outdated or they have been replaced by Microsoft with a better version, for example the free Microsoft Outlook Express that has been replaced years ago with the free Windows Live Mail program.
=> If you want to change the Windows XP CD-Key after the Windows XP installation then you use the Tool "Keyfinder (Key Changer) v1.51.exe" that you find in the "(source)\OEM\INFOS" folder on the Burned Optical Disc and in the ISO file. You can also change the Windows XP Owner and Company with this Tool.
=> If you get a malware warning about the files "Keyfinder (Key Changer) v1.51.exe" and "Windows Genuine Advantage Crack for v1.9.0042.0.exe", this is normal because almost all Anti-Virus Programs are detecting Key Changers and Cracks as malware.
=> If you have a question or a problem then visit the Website "", but first make sure that you can't find the solution for your problem in 10 minutes over a Web Search Engine or over the forum search engine at "".


=> 7 new Windows XP Themes: (ChaNinja Style RC5 v1.0), (Luna Element Black v5.1 + CSS), (Windows 7 Colors v1.0), (Disney - It's a Magical World v1.0), (BlackMesa v1.1), (NeoGeniX LS v1.0), (Royale Remixed v1.47).
=> Some new Web Links have been added to the Windows XP Favorites folder.
=> Windows XP Key Changer (Keyfinder v1.51) and a text file with working WGA Keys.

=> MF4SBF Patch v2.0: This fixes the Windows XP slow boot bug that is caused by the "Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319" Service on a Windows XP Machine.
=> TCP/IP Patch: Allows you to have 16777214 (Max) Half-Open TCP Connections instead of 10.
=> Uxtheme Patch: Allows you to use un-signed Custom visual styles.
=> SFC Patch: Allows you to disable and enable Windows File Protection with a registry key.
=> RAID-5 Patch: This will enable Software RAID-5 Support.

=> Suppressing Microsoft Update nagging to install Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications v1.9.40.0 (KB905474).
=> Suppressing Microsoft Update nagging to install Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool v4.5.5900 (KB890830).

Driver Packs:
Windows XP Service Pack 3 Updates:
* Windows XP Service Pack 3 (KB936929).
* Windows Internet Explorer 8.
* Windows Media Player 11.
* Microsoft European Union Expansion Font Update v1.2.
* Microsoft XML Core Services v4.0 Service Pack 3 (KB973685).
* Windows XP Root Certificates Update (KB931125) Version November 2011.
* Windows XP CAPICOM v2102.
* Microsoft Windows Update Web Control 7.4.7600.243.
* Microsoft Update Catalog Web Control 7.4.7057.248.

New Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 Applications:
* Windows XP Powertoy - ClearType Tuner v1.01.
* Windows XP Powertoy - Alt-Tab Replacement v1.0.
* Windows User Profile Hive Cleanup Service v1.6g.
* Microsoft BitLocker To Go Reader v1.0 (KB970401).
* Windows Feature Pack for Storage v1.0 (KB952013).
* Windows XP exFAT file system driver update package v1.0 (KB955704).
* Windows XP GDI+ Detection Tool v1 (KB873374).
* Windows XP QFEcheck v6.2.29.0.
* Microsoft Windows Browser Choice (KB976002 v5).
* Windows Genuine Advantage Validation v1.9.42.0 (KB892130) - Cracked Version.

Other Applications:
* 7-Zip v9.20.
* Open Command Prompt Shell Extension v2.1.0.
* HashCheck Shell Extension v2.1.11.
* SumatraPDF v1.9.
* Unlocker v1.9.1.
* Virtual CloneDrive v5.4.5.0.
* K-Lite Mega Codec Pack v8.4.0.

* Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) v7 Update 3.
* Flash Player ActiveX Control v11.1.102.62.
* Microsoft Silverlight v5.0.61118.0.
* Microsoft DirectX v9.29.1962.
* Microsoft Visual C-family (Up-to-Date) v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10.
* Microsoft Visual Basic (Up-to-Date) v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7+.

=> Applications: Address Book
=> Multimedia: Images and Backgrounds, Movie Maker, Music Samples, Old CDPlayer and Sound Recorder.
=> Network: Communication tools, MSN Explorer, Netmeeting, Outlook Express, Windows Messenger.
=> Operating System Options: Blaster/Nachi removal tool, Desktop Cleanup Wizard, Out of Box Experience (OOBE), Tour, Zip Folders.
=> Drivers: Display Adapters, IBM ThinkPad, Logitech WingMan, Microsoft SideWinder, Scanners, Serial Pen Tablet, Sony Jog Dial, Toshiba DVD decoder card.
=> Files: clock.avi, swtchbrd.bmp, yahoo.bmp.
=> Folders: "DOCS", "DOTNETFX", "SUPPORT", "VALUEADD", "I386\WIN9XMIG", "I386\WIN9XUPG".
=> Nothing has been removed that could cause any System Problems or any Problems with other Software Applications.

CHANGELOG 18.2.2012:
=> Added a registry key that truns off the Auto Run for all drives (If this is turned on then someone can easily install malware on your computer or unlock your password protected screensaver). 
=> Added two separat Yes/No Dialog Boxes one for the Extra Programs Installations and one for the Preconfigured Settings.
=> Added K-Lite Mega Codec Pack v8.4.0.
=> Re-added an updated "MF4SBF Patch", This Patch fixes the Windows XP slow boot bug that is caused by the "Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319" Service on a Windows XP Machine.
=> Updated DriverPack MassStorage form "v11.11" to "v12.01".
=> Updated DriverPack LAN from "v11.11" to "v12.02".
=> Updated Flash Player ActiveX Control form "v11.1.102.55" to "v11.1.102.62".
=> Updated Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) from "v7 Update 2" to "v7 Update 3".
=> Updated Microsoft Runtimes Visual C-family v5 and v8.
=> Updated Tweak "Suppressing Microsoft Update nagging to install Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool (KB890830)" from "v4.4.5802" to "v4.5.5900".
=> Integrated all Windows XP Service Pack 3 Updates form 11.1.2012 till 14.2.2012

Link Download Feb 2012 (3 Parts 593 MB):

Changelog 17.3.2012:
* Updated DriverPack MassStorage form "v12.01" to "v12.03".
Updated DriverPack WLAN from "v11.09" to "v12.02".
Updated Flash Player ActiveX Control form "v11.1.102.62" to "v11.1.102.63". * Updated Microsoft Runtime Visual C-family v10.
Updated Windows XP Root Certificates Update (KB931125) from "Version
November 2011" to "Version February 2012".
* Updated Tweak "Suppressing
Microsoft Update nagging to install Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool
(KB890830)" from "v4.5.5900" to "v4.6.6000".
* Integrated all Windows XP
Service Pack 3 Updates form 15.2.2012 till 14.3.2012.

Link Download March 2012 (3 Parts 591.88 MB):

Changelog 10.4.2012:
=> Integrated all Windows XP Service Pack 3 Updates form 11.1.2012 till 10.4.2012
Produkt ID: XXXXX-640-1457236-XXXXX
Produkt ID: XXXXX-640-2972611-XXXXX
=> Key 3: D6FY9-288V2-QHKC8-WW9DY-YCKJJ
Produkt ID: XXXXX-640-1974194-XXXXX
=> Key 4: CCFRD-B49C2-XC9JV-49DW9-MKTHQ
Produkt ID: XXXXX-640-0437133-XXXXX
=> Key 5: BDV7T-3JK2Y-BT4RM-3GHH2-6QHDY
Produkt ID: XXXXX-640-0542082-XXXXX

Link Download April 2012 (4 Parts 613.92 MB):

NOTE: ScreenShot yang diambil dari Laptop BVR merupakan Bukti BVR telah mendownload Windows XP3 Black Edition 2012 dan ini adalah salah satu Theme yang ada pada Windows tersebut.