Rabu, 29 Agustus 2012

Dark Souls Prepare To Die Edition Plus Repack and Trainer

Game RPG baru dirilis tanggal 24 Agustus 2012, Dark Souls Prepare To Die tidak membutuhkan Spek Requirement yang terlalu tinggi namun memiliki Grafik yang mumpuni. Clean Trainer-nya pun juga sudah keluar sehingga mempermudah Anda untuk menamatkan Game ini. OK langsung saja Gan, kita ke Tekape..
UPDATE: New Clean and Working Trainer +22 (Newest) and Video to make an Offline Profile of Windows LIVE games. Tutorial has been tested and working 100%

Developer: From Software
Publisher: Namco Bandai Games
Genre: Role Playing Game (RPG)
Release date: August 24, 2012

Dark Souls will have many familiar features: A dark fantasy universe, tense dungeon crawling, fearsome enemy encounters and unique online interactions. Dark Souls is a spiritual successor to Demon’s, not a sequel. Prepare for a new, despair-inducing world, with a vast, fully-explorable horizon and vertically-oriented landforms. Prepare for a new, mysterious story, centered around the the world of Lodran, but most of all, prepare to die. You will face countless murderous traps, countless darkly grotesque mobs and several gargantuan, supremely powerful demons and dragons bosses. You must learn from death to persist through this unforgiving world. And you aren’t alone. Dark Souls allows the spirits of other players to show up in your world, so you can learn from their deaths and they can learn from yours. You can also summon players into your world to co-op adventure, or invade other’s worlds to PVP battle. New to Dark Souls are Bonfires, which serve as check points as you fight your way through this epic adventure. While rested at Bonfires, your health and magic replenish but at a cost, all mobs respawn. Beware: There is no place in Dark Souls that is truly safe. With days of game play and an even more punishing difficulty level, Dark Souls will be the most deeply challenging game you play this year. Can you live through a million deaths and earn your legacy?

=> Extremely Deep, Dark & Difficult - Unforgiving in its punishment, yet rewarding for the determined - learn to strategize freely and conquer
seemingly impossible challenges
=> Fully Seamless World - Explore a completely integrated world of dark fantasy where dungeons and areas are seamlessly intertwined, with great height
=> Mastery Earns Progression - Contains 60 hours of gameplay, with nearly 100 uniquely despair-inducing monsters & an incredibly nuanced RPG systems
=> Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition will include an untold chapter in the world of Lordran back to the past, player will discover the story when Knight Artorias still lives
=> New Bosses – Including Black Dragon, Sanctuary Guardian, Artorias of the Abyss
=> PVP Arena & Online Matchmaking System – Quick matching for players to play 1vs1, 2vs2 and 4 player battle royal
=> New Areas – Including Oolacile Township, Oolacile Sanctuary, Royal Wood, Battle of Stoicism which is the training ground for online PVP battles
=> New Enemies – Including Wooden scarecrows, Chained Prisoner, Stone Knight
=> New NPCs – Including Hawkeye Gough, Elizabeth (keeper of the sanctuary)
=> New Weapons and Armor – Equip some from the new bosses, enemies, and NPCs

Minimum System Requirements:
OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or newer
DX: 9.0c
CPU: AMD Phenom II X2 545 3.0 Ghz – Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 3.0 Ghz
Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 4870 – GeForce 9800 GTX+
Sound: Direct Sound Compatible

Link Download Fullrip by KaOsKrew (4 Parts 2.04 GB):


NOTE: Video Lossy 50% WMV

Clean Trainer Dark Soul PTD v1.0 Plus 22 (526 KB):
Pass RAR: BismarckVanRiser

Video Tutorial Make an Offline Profile of GFWL (1'04s):
NOTE: Saves work is required to play an Local profile Games for Windows-LIVE

Install Notes by BVR:
1. Install Games for Windows LIVE, if you don't have it you can download it here (70.42 MB)
2. Delete file "XLive.dll" from game folder
3. Play the Games will prompt you to “Games for Windows Live” window
4. Make an Offline Profile (see Video Tutorial)
5. Enjoy the Games

Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

UltraISO Portable plus Tutorial RGhost

Kalau tadi BismarckVanRiser telah Posting tentang Install Windows 7, Vista dan XP melalui USB FlashDisk, sekarang BVR akan share lagi tentang Software untuk membuat File ISO baik untuk disimpan di HardDisk atau untuk nge-Burn ke CD/DVD-R/RW. Software ini termasuk kecil-kecil cabe rawit, lengkap pula karena bisa membuat Virtual Drive jadi fungsinya bisa seperti Daemon Tools atau Alcohol 120%.

UltraISO Premium Portable PAF (2.51 MB):

*=+Tutorial Plus+=*

Pada ScreenShot di atas ada 4 bagian, kita sebut saja Kiri Atas, Kanan Atas, Kiri Bawah dan Kanan Bawah. Untuk membuat file ISO caranya mudah, Anda tinggal Drag files dari HardDisk (Windows Explorer) ke UltraISO bagian Kanan Atas karena emang dari keempat bagian UltraISO yang bisa di taruh Drag-an cuma Kanan Atas (ada tanda Plus), kalau 3 bagian lainnya tidak bisa ditaruh Drag-an. Sebelum disimpan jangan lupa untuk mengganti nama pada Gambar Kiri Atas (pada ScreenShot, nama telah diubah menjadi BootMenu, caranya Klik Kanan Mouse lalu pilih Rename). Anda tinggal Simpan file ISO Anda dengan cara ke Menu "File"=>"Save as".

Untuk menbuat File ISO dari CD/DVD Rom, Anda tinggal ke Menu "Tools"=>"Make CD/DVD Image". Anda bisa menamakan "Output FileName" Anda dan menaruhnya dimanapun (Klik tombol "..."). Anda juga bisa memilih 10 Output Format dengan UltraISO tapi yang biasanya Umum dan sudah menjadi Standard adalah Format ISO. Setelah itu, Anda klik tombol "Make".

Untuk membuat Bootable CD, pada posting Tutorial Install Windows XP From USB, saya telah mencantumkan file "Bootable_NoEmulation.img" pada file WINNT32 for XP, silahkan Anda Download dulu disini. Setelah download, Extract-lah lalu Anda Buka UltraISO, klik Menu "Bootable"=>"Load Boot File"=>cari File bernama "Bootable_NoEmulation.img" tersebut. Perhatikan Tulisan di sebelah Kanan Image: yang Tadinya "Data CD/DVD" telah berubah menjadi "Bootable CD/DVD". Bukan hanya CD/DVD saja yang Bootable tetapi bila Anda ingin menyimpannya dalam file format ISO ("Menu File"=>"Save as") maka File ISO tersebut juga Bootble.

Untuk Mount file ISO ke Virtual Drive, UltraISO sudah bisa melakukannya tanpa perlu download tambahan. Yang perlu Anda perhatikan sebelum Mount adalah mengecek Virtual Drive UltraISO Anda telah terpasang atau belum, caranya dengan klik Menu "Options"=>"Configuration"=>pilih Tab "Virtual Drive"=>pada kolom "Number of devices" ganti "None" menjadi "1"=>klik "OK".

Setelah Anda melakukan konfigurasi di atas, sekarang Anda klik Menu "Tools"=>"Mount to Virtual Drive"=>pada kolom "Image File" klik tombol "..." untuk mencari File ISO yang ingin Anda Mount=>klik "Mount". Jangan Anda Close UltraISO-nya, biarkan saja dan Anda bisa cek Virtual Drive akan Terisi file-file yang ada di dalam file ISO.

Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2012

Final Fantasy VII PC Re-release Plus Offline Savegame and Mods Mediafire

Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan Game yang satu ini? Game yang dirilis tahun 1997 (PS1) dan 1998 (PC) oleh Square Soft dan tahun 2012 dirilis kembali oleh Square Enix memang sangat Fenomenal di Mata Penggemar Game RPG khususnya JRPG (Japan RPG). Sudah banyak pula yang membuat Mods untuk Final Fantasy VII agar Grafik FF7 semakin halus bahkan ada yang membuat Char Cloud-nya ini sudah mirip dengan Advanced Children, yang jelas kalau belum main Final Fantasy VII, Anda harus mencobanya. Link Mediafire yang lalu telah terhapus dan sekarang ada Link baru, silahkan yang mau download, langsung saja cekidot Link Mediafire-nya..

Solution how to save your game and load game fast for Win7:
1. go to "Control PanelSystem and SecurityWindows Firewall"
2. from left side corner choose "Advanced settings"
3. a widow will pop out from left side corner choose "Outbound Rules"
4. from right corner choose "New Rule"
5. choose Program "it's choosen by defalut" press next
6. Brwose to where you installed the game "defalut setup destintion is C:Program Files (x86)Square EnixFINAL FANTASY VII" choose "ff7_en.exe" if you play other than english choose the approprite exe
ff7_de.exe for dutch
ff7_en.exe for english
ff7_es.exe for espansh
ff7_fr.exe for fransh
7. after you choose the approprite one press next than choose "Block the connection" {again it's choosen by defalut} press next
8. make sure everthing have a cheek {by defalut everthing cheeked} press next
9. choose a name {any name is good better to make it obvious like "ff7_en.exe"} press finish. And there you blocked the game from trying to access the network one more thing

Make all these steps again but this time for "FF7 Updater.exe" and "FF7 UpdateHelper.exe"
you can find them in "%USERPROFILE%/Documents/Square Enix/FINAL FANTASY VII/update-temp"
Make sure you Block both files after that every time you try to access the save game screen it will load faster
Credit to: YAGOB of TPB

Link Download FF7 Remake RELOADED Full (2.4 GB):

Link Download FF7 Remake FullRip-KaOs (1.18 GB):

Link Download FF7 Full CD:
Pass RAR: BismarckVanRiser
NOTE: BismarckVanRiser telah menyertakan 2 File yaitu FF7PC FULL CD Link Mediafire dan SaveGame Editor (Jenova.exe)

FF7 Full Modification and Forum Download:

Final Fantasy VII Remix 2.5.1 Installer
GameFront (4 Parts 1.79 GB):

Mediafire (13 Parts 1.79 GB):

NOTE: Semua ScreenShot masih menjadi Harapan "belum" Kenyataan. Berharap SquareEnix benar-benar jadi merilis Final Fantasy VII Remake for PC seperti ketiga ScreenShot diatas. Mungkin SquareEnix sengaja menyimpannya terlebih dahulu dan mengeluarkan versi Re-release untuk mengetahui seberapa banyak RPG Mania yang masih menyukai Japanese RPG (JRPG) ditengah menjamurnya perusahaan-perusahaan Game Developer yang membuat Games ber-genre Modern/Western RPG.

Jumat, 24 Agustus 2012

Sleeping Dogs Limited Edition v1.4 FullRip Plus Trainer

Game Sleeping Dogs mirip dengan GTA, Saint Row, LA Noire, game ber-genre Action Adventure ini menceritakan kehidupan Triad Hongkong. Grafik-nya jangan ditanya karena dalam Limited Edition sudah termasuk dengan Hi-res (HD) DLC. Telah ter-update ke v1.4 Terbaru dan ada Clean Trainer-nya pula. Silahkan download bagi yang berminat.

Genre: Action, Adventure
Developer: United Front Games
Publisher: SQUARE ENIX, Eidos Interactive
Release Date: 17 Aug 2012

You play the role of Wei Shen, an undercover cop trying to take down the Triads from the inside out. You’ll have to prove yourself worthy as you fight your way up the organization, taking part in brutal criminal activities without blowing your cover. Torn between your loyalty to the badge and a criminal code of honor, you will risk everything as the lines between truth, loyalty and justice become permanently blurred.

=> Sleeping Dogs going to be the third installment (True Crime: Hong Kong)  and a reboot of the True Crime series.
=> The game blends open world elements such as action, street racing and role-playing games elements. 
=> Sleeping Dogs is played as an over-the-shoulder, third-person perspective action-adventure game with RPG elements.  
=> On foot, the player character has the additional ability to walk, run, jump, climb over obstacles and swim, as well as use weapons and Wei Shen's martial arts skills in combat.
=> Players are also capable of driving a variety of vehicles, including automobiles, boats and motorcycles
=> The driving segments have been inspired by the Need for Speed series
=> When not attempting a storyline mission, players can free-roam, giving them the ability to participate in activities such as stealing cars, join a fight club, karaoke, gambling dens and bet on cockfights. 
=> There are also several potential girlfriends for Wei Shen to date in the game.

Minimum System Requirements:
OS: Windows Vista Service Pack 2 ,Windows 7 , Windows 8
Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or Althon X2 2.7 GHz
Memory: 2GB
Hard Disk Space: 15GB
Video Card: DirectX 10 ATI Radeon 3870 or Nvidia GeForce 8800GT or higher
Sound: DirectX compatible sound card

Recommended System Requirements:
Processor: Quad-core Intel or AMD CPU
Memory: 4GB
Video Card: DirectX 11 Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 or ATI Radeon 6950

What's Ripped by KaOsKrew:
Language: English
Iso/Patch: P2P
Ripped/Removed: Nothing
Movie/Recode: BIK 50%
Audio/Recode: Untouched
Texture/Recode: Untouched
Drivers/Extras: DX, VcRedist + Update 1.4

Link Download (11 Parts 5.88 GB):

Clean Trainer v1.4 Plus 10 (543 KB):
Pass RAR: BismarckVanRiser

Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012

Darksiders 2 Repack Plus DLC Upate-1 Clean Trainer FilesBB PutLocker

Darksiders 2 merupakan sekuel dari Darksiders pertama tapi beda Character Player. Kalau Darksiders 1 Main Char-nya adalah War, Darksiders 2 Main Char-nya adalah Death yang masih Saudara dari War. Jadi bagi Darksiders mania segera dapatkan Game ini segera dan sudah ada Clean Trainer-nya pula. Repack by Black Box ini versi Lossless tidak ada yang dihilangkan dan sudah termasuk DLC jadi hampir sama dengan Limited Edition.
UPDATE: Clean Trainer Plus 23 Fixed link Mediafire

Publisher: THQ
Developer: Vigil Games
Genre: Action Adventure
Release Date: 14-08-2012

Darksiders 2 starts at nearly the same time as the start of the first Darksiders. After War is convicted and sent back to Earth by the Charred Council, they inform the other three Horseman of his fate. The Horseman Death, knowing that his brother War is the most honorable and incorruptible of the four and would never have started the Apocalypse early, flies into a rage. Holding true to his belief that his brother has become a victim of a conspiracy, Death defies the Council's orders and sets out on a personal mission to find proof of his brother's innocence. Death travels to the Nether Realms, a place between Heaven and Hell, to call in favors from powerful beings that rule the realm. Death soon thinks the only way he can prove his brother's innocence is to resurrect the human race.

=> Play Death: Become the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, able to destroy entire worlds and battle forces beyond Heaven and Hell.
=> Epic Universe: Unlike anything the player has seen before, delivered in the unique style of Joe Mad.
=> Player Choice & Customization: Customize your experience with varied armor sets, weapons, and Skill Trees allowing players to create their own Death.
=> Replay-ability: Explore a vast open world, complete dozens of side quests and customize your Death with a full leveling system, Skill Trees and endless equipment combinations.
=> Traversal: Death is a nimble and agile character capable of incredible acrobatic feats allowing the player to explore the world like never before.

Minimum System Requirements:
OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista SP1 or Windows 7
Processor: 2.0Ghz Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor or AMD equivalent
RAM/ Memory: 2GB
Hard Drive: 6 GB space free (10 GB free after install)
Video Card: NVIDIA 9800 GT 512 MB Video Card or AMD equivalent

Recommended System Requirements:
Processor: Any Quad-core AMD or Intel Processor
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 512MB Video Card or AMD equivalent

What's Repack by Black_Box:
Language: English
Video, Audio, Texture: Lossless (Nothing Ripped or Remove)
DLC included

Link Download (5 Parts 4.11 GB):
Link Download Clean Trainer v1.0-Up1+23Fix (543 KB):
Pass RAR: BismarckVanRiser

Selasa, 21 Agustus 2012

Album GMB 1996 Ku'bri yang Terbaik v2 Best Quality MP3 Mediafire

Seminggu lalu ada yang request lewat email minta dicarikan Album Pertama GMB berjudul Kub'ri Yang Terbaik (1996) tapi yang versi CD Quality-nya. Googling ketemunya Link dari http://www.mediafire.com/?yb6gjs62u3pnnou tapi begitu didengarin ternyata noise-nya tingi dan kualitas suaranya pun agak lembam maka BVR coba utak-atik ternyata bisa diubah (noise-nya hilang dan suaranya keluar). Dan ini bisa Anda lihat Perbedaan Sebelum dan Sesudah Diedit.


BismarckVanRiser telah mengeluarkan Versi 2 dari Album ini

(Klik-Kanan Mouse lalu Open in New Tab untuk memperbesar ScreenShot)

Versi 2 ini BVR menamainya Versi "Fix and Fixed"
* Versi Fix=> adanya Perbaikan Besar pada Struktur Bass dan Treble dari versi Pertama. Tidak hanya Bass dan Treble yang diperbaiki tapi juga Keseimbangan Suara Left dan Right sudah "Hampir" Sama (Lihat ScreenShot). BVR gunakan kata "Hampir" karena kalau Suara Right dan Left sama persis itu berarti bukan Stereo donk. Sedangkan untuk suara Vocal, BVR masih mempertahankan Kualitas Vokal yang asli.

* Versi Fixed=> Versi 2 ini merupakan Versi yang sudah Maksimum (Mudah-mudahan), artinya Struktur Bass dan Treble sudah tetap (Fixed) dan tidak dapat ditambahkan lagi dengan Equalizer GoldWave karena suara akan terdengar Pecah. Percayalah BVR sudah tes ini beberapa hari.

* Satu lagi yang diedit khusus adalah Track 11 S'karang Waktunya, Lagu tersebut sebenarnya Lagu yang Lumayan Kencang Beat-nya namum paling Lembam di antara semua Track Lagu. Mungkin sudah pada capek kali nyanyinya, namanya juga lagu terakhir. BVR telah menambahkan Beat pada lagu tersebut sehingga lebih Asyik Musiknya.

Link Download:
Track 01: Tinggikan DiriMu => http://www.mediafire.com/?nhp9kssyg7i4p4f
Track 02: Hanya Dia Tuhan => http://www.mediafire.com/?cxa2o7ha89ayzm7
Track 03: Puji Tuhan => http://www.mediafire.com/?nz59fz6ux0ytl39
Track 04: Bersukacita => http://www.mediafire.com/?7aaa45zt7xwe3td
Track 05: Allah Bankit => http://www.mediafire.com/?x83l0txp77uduy6
Track 06: S'bab Tuhan Baik => http://www.mediafire.com/?zsmja61t6rtu29t
Track 07: Bawaku MenghadapMu => http://www.mediafire.com/?7dpvcc224unp64z
Track 08: Kub'ri Yang Terbaik => http://www.mediafire.com/?axyy3cpc4gqqfez
Track 09: Dengarkanlah Doaku => http://www.mediafire.com/?jx7ciggynowwy46
Track 10: Kuberterima Kasih => http://www.mediafire.com/?vvev93oig36lt99
Track 11: S'karang Waktunya => http://www.mediafire.com/?063sayc6ds66w6o

NOTES: Dengan demikian semua Lagu dalam Album Kubri Yang Terbaik v2 sudah di-upload semua. Silahkan Nikmati Dahsyatnya Bass yang Bulat dan Empuk serta suara Treble yang nyaring namun tidak pecah dan mengambang. BismarckVanRiser merekomendasikan untuk mendengarnya pada Speaker Besar. Dengar di Speaker kecil pun juga bisa namun Volume-nya jangan terlalu besar karena lagu ini sudah memiliki Volume yang besar jadi cukup 30% saja dari Maksimum Volume, Anda dapat merasakan Suara-nya tetap Keluar meskipun dengan Volume Kecil.

Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012

Windows XP3 Glass BVR Edition August 2012 Slipstreaming Mediafire

Sebenarnya Windows ini merupakan Windows XP SP2 namun dengan Teknologi SlipStreaming dapat di-Upgrade menjadi SP3 dengan segala kelebihannya seperti  IE8 WMP11 .Net Framework ALL Version (1.1SP1, 2.0SP2, 3.0SP2, 3.5SP1, 4.0 Full) DirectX 9.0c Latest Full, dsb. Boleh dikatakan ini adalah The Best-Ever Windows XP SP3 karena memadukan Keindahan Theme dan Kestabilan, Kecepatan serta Keamanan Sistem Operasi Windows XP yang masih sangat banyak Peminatnya. Di bawah ini juga ada Tips and Tricks untuk melakukan SlipStreaming. Enjoy Windows XP3 Glass BVR Edition 2012 Ter-update...
Keren ya Windows XP3BVR, Theme-nya gabungan 3 OS: Windows 7 Aero, Mac OSX Theme dan StartMenu Icon serta Tombol Close, Minimize, Maximize (sebelah Kiri) mengikuti Ubuntu Linux. Akan tetapi Untuk memodifikasi Windows XP2 menjadi  seperti di atas itu butuh Download yang tidak sedikit. Namun jika sudah berhasil (dan Pasti Berhasil bila mengikuti Tutorial BVR), rasanya Anda tidak akan beralih pada Windows XP3 Lainnya karena Menurut BVR inilah Windows XP3 Terbaik yang pernah BVR install di PC/Laptop. Menggabungkan 3 Unsur: Kecepatan, Keindahan dan Kestabilan dari sebuah OS XP3. OK BVR tidak akan banyak basa-basi lagi, Silahkan dipersiapkan bahan-bahan download terlebih dahulu.

Yang Belum punya Windows XP SP2 Mac OSX Glass Edition Silahkan Download dari Indowebster (Support IDM Resume like Mediafire):
Link Download Indowebster (7 Parts 625 MB):
Pass Indowebster: www.indowebster.web.id (Password harus diketik tidak bole Copas)
Setelah Download 7 Parts, Rename 7 Files tersebut dengan menghapus Ekstensi RAR dibelakang Angka 001, 002,..007 menjadi xxx.rar.001
Cara Buka file ISO Jangan di-Extract tetapi harus dibuka (Open archive) dengan 7-Zip lalu Drag (Geser) ISO file-nya ke Folder manapun dan masukkan Password: carlos_roy_fajarta@idws

BVR ingin menambahkan Link Mediafire untuk Windows XP SP2 Mac OSX Glass Edition:
4 Parts 620 MB:
Pass: andystonecold

New Link New Size only 569 MB:
6 Parts:
Pass MF: sharingcentre.info

Banyaknya Uploader meng-upload Windows XP SP2 Mac OSX Glass Edition di Mediafire menandakan bahwa Windows XP Glass banyak yang menyukai karena Keindahan Theme-nya meskipun Windows XP ini hanya support SP2 dan IE7. Nah bagaimana supaya support SP3, IE8, .Net Framework All Version dan DirectX 9.0 dengan Update Terbaru 2012, mari kita Pelajari dan Praktekkan Tutorial dari BVR. Dijamin 100% Working and Tested by Trusted Blog: BismarckVanRiser. Ilmu dan Pengalaman memang Sangat Berharga dan untuk memperolehnya dibutuhkan Niat dan Usaha yang tidak sedikit. Awalnya Anda harus Download Begitu Banyak yang dibutuhkan namun pada Akhirnya setelah Anda Berhasil, Anda akan Puas dengan Hasilnya.

OK bila Anda sudah Download Windows XP SP2 Mac OSX Glass Edition dan Extract file ISO ikutilah Tutorial dari BismarckVanRiser di bawah ini:
1. Setelah Anda mendapatkan file ISO yang telah diprotect oleh Uploader maka untuk membuka/melihat isi file ISO tersebut, Anda harus MOUNT menggunakan Burming Software seperti UltraISO.
2. Mount file ISO dan copy dari VirtualDrive ke folder baru di Hardisk Anda misal beri nama "XP3BVR"
3. Download Service Pack 3 dari Website Microsoft (316 MB Support IDM Resume like Mediafire).
4. Download OnePiece_Windows_XP_Post-SP3_UpdatePack_v5.9.0_ENU (New Update 15 August 2012 Size: 215 MB Support Resume with IDM). Cara Download: buka IDM=>Menu Tasks=>Add new download=>copy link Address=>OK
5. Download nLite Terbaru yang Self-extracting archive (2.38 MB) saja, tidak perlu install lagi. Pastikan Anda telah meng-install .Net Framework v2.0 untuk menjalankan nLite.
6. Extract nLite with WinRAR atau 7-Zip dan jalankan file "nlite.exe"
7. Welcome to nLite click "Next"
8. Click "Browse" dan cari folder "XP3BVR" yang tadi Anda copy dari VirtualDrive (Step 2) lalu klik "OK" lalu "Next" and "Next" again.
9. Task Selection Choose 2 Options: "Service Pack" and "Hotfixes, Add-ons and Update Packs". Warna Merah akan berubah menjadi warna hijau ketika Anda memilihnya seperti ScreenShot ini:
NOTE: Anda jangan memilih Create "Bootable ISO" karena Anda membutuhkan Patch dari BVR agar Windows XP3BVR dapat berjalan Normal dan tidak Error sewaktu installasi Windows. Jadi sementara ini Anda cukup pilih 2 Options saja lalu click "Next"
10. Click "Select" lalu "Yes" untuk Remove Previous Hotfixes to enable proper Slipstreaming.
11. Click "OK" lalu carilah file "WindowsXP-KB936929-SP3-x86-ENU.exe" yang Anda download di Step 3 lalu click "Next".
12. Untuk Hotfixes, Add-ons and Update Packs, Anda "Insert" dan pilih file "OnePiece_Windows_XP_Post-SP3_UpdatePack_v5.5.1_ENU.7z" yang Anda download di Step 4 lalu click "Next"
13. Apply changes? Choose "Yes" dan Tunggu beberapa saat sampai Proses Slipstreaming selesai.
14. OK Slipstreaming sudah Selesai dan Selamat Anda telah memdapatkan Windows XP dengan Real SP3 IE8 WMP11 .Net Framework ALL Version (v1.1-4.0) DirectX Full, dsb namun Anda masih membutuhkan Patch dari BVR agar sewaktu Installasi Windows XP3 menjadi Mulus tanpa Error Sedikitpun sehingga Anda enak bisa sambil ngopi. Silahkan Download New Patch v2 XP3BVR dari Link Mediafire.

Selesai sudah Tutorial untuk Slipstreaming Windows XP3 Glass BVR Edition 2012. Semua yang BVR lakukan semata-mata untuk Pembelajaran. Bila ada yang mengikuti yah Silahkan, semua kembali lagi kepada Anda masing-masing. Bila Anda menyukai Artikel yang BVR posting ini, harap memberi Komentar, Saran atau bahkan Kritik Membangun pada halaman bawah yang tertera di bawah ini atau via Email. Bagi Anda yang telah mencoba Tutorial ini, BismarckVanRiser mengucapkan banyak Terima Kasih dan bila ada Keluhan dalam Penggunaan Windows XP3BVR bisa hubungi BVR dan mudah-mudahan BVR bisa membantu. BVR masih menggunakan Windows XP3BVR karena Menurut BVR, Windows XP3 ini is not only The Best course but this is Sensation. Try it and You will think the same thing as I did.

Pass RAR: BismarckVanRiser

Senin, 13 Agustus 2012

Orcs Must Die! 2 v1.0.0.264 MUlti6-BlackBox-KaOs Plus Trainer

Game ber-genre Action-RPG-RTS atau disingkat Tower Defense, Orcs Must Die 2 memang baru namun sudah mendapat hati dari PC IGN memberi Score Rating 9.0 (Amazing-Editors' Choice), makanya begitu Clean Trainer untuk Game ini ada, Bismarck VanRiser langsung posting supaya para Gamer yang Gemar Update bisa langsung menikmati Game yang memang banyak ditunggu-tunggu setelah kesuksesan versi pertama-nya. OK langsung saja cekidot dan sedot Game dan Trainer-nya.
UPDATE: Link Download Orcs Must Die! 2-KaOs Rip only 787 MB, after install will be 8 GB, Game has been tested and 100% Working. Update v1.0.0.264 Plus Trainer11.

Genre: Action, Strategy, Indie
Developer/Publisher: Robot Entertainment
Release Date: 30 Jul 2012

Leap back into the fray as a powerful War Mage or crafty Sorceress. Defend new fortresses and dwarven mines, laying waste to thousands of orcs and other monsters with a dizzying array of weapons, spells, guardians, traps, and trinkets. Play co-op with a friend and continue the battle in a brand new campaign mode, or fight to stay alive in the challenging new Endless Mode! Unlock new defenses and old favorites, upgrade them like never before, and unleash them on the nearest pile of slobbering ocs!

=> Co-Op! – Play as the War Mage, the headstrong hero who charges into danger, or play as the more strategic Sorceress who keeps the mob at bay with mind-control and magic.
=> Story-based Campaign – Pick up where the original game left off with a brand new story-based campaign that you can play in Single-Player or Co-Op!
=> New Endless Mode – Play alone or join a friend to put your skills to the test against endless waves of increasingly difficult enemies.
=> Classic Mode – Steam players who own the original Orcs Must Die! will automatically unlock co-op versions of 10 levels from the original game featuring new enemies!
=> Over 20 Deadly Enemies – Face an army of vile new creatures like Earth Elementals, Trolls, and Bile Bats. And they’ve brought all of your favorite trap-fodder from the original Orcs Must Die! along with them!
=> More than 50 Traps, Weapons, and Guardians – Choose from an enormous armory of new and classic defenses, including an all new assortment of magical trinkets.
=> Massive Upgrade System – With more than 225 persistent trap and weapon upgrades to unlock, you can build an arsenal perfectly suited to your slaying style.
=> Extensive Replayability – Multiple game modes, “Nightmare” difficulty, and an enormous skull-ranking system provide hours of replayability
=> Scoring System and Leaderboard – Compete with your friends for supremacy on single-player and co-op leaderboards!

System Requirements:
OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
Processor: 2GHz Dual Core
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 256MB VRAM NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or ATI Radeon x1950 or better
DirectX®: 9.0c
Hard Drive: 9 GB HD space
Broadband Internet connection recommended for co-op play

Link Download (3 Parts 2.72 GB):

Bonus Maps (2 Parts 1.36 GB):

Language Addon-FLTDOX (402.04 MB):
Pass RAR: www.skidrowcrack.com

What's Ripped by KaOsKrew:
Language: English
Iso/Patch: FLT
Ripped/Removed: Foreign Stuff
Movie/Recode: USM 45%
Audio/Recode: Rebuild
Texture/Recode: Rebuild
Drivers/Extras: DX, VcRedist

Link Download Orcs Must Die! 2-KaOs (787 MB):
Pass RAR: www.kaoskrew.org

What's Repack by Black_Box:
Download Size: 1.0 GB
Required size: 11.0 GB
Final size: 9.34 GB
Iso/Patch: FairLight
Format: iSO
Languages: English
Ripped: Nothing
Videos: Lossy
Audio: Rebuild (ogg)
Registry: Not Needed
Redist: DirectX , Visual C ++
Other: Bonus maps are included

New Link Download Orcs Must Die! 2-Black Box (1 GB):
Pass Rar: www.blackboxrepack.com

Link Download Update v1.0.0.264 THETA (5.5 MB):

New Clean and Working Trainer +11 (1.07 MB):
Pass RAR: BismarckVanRiser

Install Notes:
1. Burn or mount
2. Install the game
3. Play the game and Enjoy
4. As usual, block the game exe in your firewall
5. Support Robot Ent, if you like this games please buy it so they can make other Games better again

The Cursed Crusade Full Repack Black Box Plus Trainer

Bismarck VanRiser akan bagikan Game Action yang Sangat Seru: The Cursed Crusade Full Repack by Black Box only 1.36 GB. Game ini setelah ter-install akan menjadi 8 GB, wow benar-benar high compressed, bukan? Hebatnya lagi Repack ini tipe Lossless yang artinya 100% quality audio, video, texture. so tunggu apa lagi download segera Game Action Super Seru The Cursed Crusade...

Set against the backdrop of the Old World, two adventurers–both seasoned warriors–will quest across a Western Europe ablaze with the turmoil of a newly begun Fourth Crusade. Denz, a holy Templar, and Esteban, a roguish mercenary, may have different origins, but their motivations are the same: amidst the danger and despair of a new Crusade, to find the means to deliver themselves from a terrible curse that threatens to consume their immortal souls.

* The Old World Burns – Embark on a contentious quest for retribution spanning five chapters and over 30 missions that promises to bring fire, death, and destruction to the great cities of medieval Europe.
* A Templar Cursed – Transform the world around you into a flaming red vision of Hell, increasing your strength and your ability to perceive hidden things, all at the expense of your humanity.
* Brotherhood of Steel – Split-screen or online, recruit a friend to assume control of the thief, Esteban, to join in the excitement of shared adventure.
* Intense, visceral 3rd-person action – Easy to grasp yet deep in its execution, a weapon-based combat engine features over 90 combos, dozens of weapons, and a timing-based counter system.

Minimum System Requirements
* OS: Windows XP SP3, Vista or Windows 7 *
* CPU: Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz or similar *
* 1 GB (Windows XP) / 2GB (Windows Vista/7) *
* HDD: 8 GB free disk space *
* Graphics: 256 MB Graphics Memory *
* Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible *
* DirectX: Version 9.0_40

Recommended system requirements
* Intel Core 2 Duo, AMD Athlon X2 or equivalent CPU with 2.6 GHz or better *
* 2 GB RAM *
* Graphics compatible with DirectX® 9.0c 512 MB RAM *
NVIDIA GTX280 / ATI Radeon HD 4870 X2 or better

What's Repacked by Black Box
Type: Lossless (not Lossy, Enjoy!)
Language: English
Size: 1.36 GB (High Compressed Full Version)

Link Download (2 Parts 1.36 GB):
Pass RAR: www.blackboxrepack.com

nVidia PhysX v9.10.0513 (32.43 MB):
NOTE: Do not install nVidia PhysX 9.12.0213 (Latest Version), it won't work. It's been Tested by BVR

Clean and Working Trainer (379 KB):
Pass RAR: BismarckVanRiser

SaveGame after "Avoid Death and Reach the Church":
Pass RAR: BismarckVanRiser
NOTE: BVR SaveGame, Just Copy at folder "X:\(YourFolderGames)\The Cursed Crusade\"

NOTES: For those who has Saving Game Problem, you must Run the game in administrator mode. Here is the Easy Way:
1. Delete desktop shortcut
2. Make a new shortcut to X:\program files (Games)\The Cursed Crusade\TCC.exe
3. Right-click on new shortcut go to properties then compatibility take & tick the "Run this program as administrator" box in the privilege level dialog at the bottom of the tab. That's it.

In win7 after you double click the shortcut the OS will ask you if you want to proceed click ok or yes or whatever and the game will start and save at each point at the end of a scene where you have upgraded your skills.

Install Notes by BVR:
1. Unrar
2. Install the game

3. Install nVidia PhysX v9.10.0513, Latest DirectX and VC++2008
4. Play the game
5. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT

Mass Effect 2 Complete Repack Plus Save Editor and Trainer

Kalau kemarin Bismarck VanRiser posting tentang Game Mass Effect 1 dan kali ini  BismarckVanRiser akan posting Mass Effect 2 yang sudah dites Working sehingga Anda tak perlu kuatir untuk download sebelum link Mediafire ini terhapus. Seperti biasa BVR selalu meyediakan "Penolong" agar Anda lebih mudah memainkan Game ini sampai Tamat. Bukan hanya Clean and Working Trainer ada juga Save Editor namun Anda jangan terlalu berlebihan memakai cheat pada char Anda seperti Dewa karena tidak akan asyik lagi kalau sudah terlalu mudah memainkannya. Baiklah silahkan cicipi saja langsung ke TKP..

Mass Effect 2 is the sequel to BioWare™s hit space-based role-playing game (RPG), Mass Effect. A single player adventure, Mass Effect 2 allows players to continue the adventures of the fully customizable series hero Commander Shepard, as you take on a whole new adventure and a new cast of supporting characters. Additional new features include the ability to import game save files from the original Mass Effect game to continue the adventure in an unbroken fashion, a new damage system, a new, more flexible dialogue game mechanic and more.

Two  years  after  Commander  Shepard  repelled  invading Reapers bent on the destruction  of  organic  life,  a  mysterious  new enemy has emerged. On the fringes  of  known  space,  something  is  silently  abducting  entire  human colonies.  Now  Shepard  must  work  with  Cerberus,  a ruthless organization devoted  to  human  survival  at any cost, to stop the most terrifying threat mankind has ever faced. To  even  attempt  this  perilous mission, Shepard must assemble the  galaxys most  elite  team  and  command the most powerful ship ever built. Even then, they  say it would be suicide. Commander Shepard intends to prove them wrong.

=> The second chapter in the Mass Effect trilogy takes you to the darkest reaches of space, where you must uncover the mystery behind the disappearance of humans across many worlds.
=> Prepare yourself for a suicide mission to save mankind.
=> Travel the galaxy to assemble a team of soldiers and combat specialists, and launch an all-out assault on the heart of enemy territory.

Minimum System Requirements:
* OS: Windows XP SP3 / Windows Vista SP1 / Windows 7 *
* CPU: 1.8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or equivalent AMD CPU *
* RAM: 1 GB RAM for XP / 2 GB RAM for Win7/Vista *
* HDD: 10 GB free disk space *
* Graphics: 256 MB (with Pixel Shader 3.0 support) *
NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or greater; ATI Radeon X1600 Pro or greater
* Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible *
* DirectX: Version 9.0c *

Recommended System Requirements:
* CPU: 2.6+ GHz Cure 2 Duo Intel or equivalent AMD *
* RAM: 2 GB *
* Graphics: 256 MB (with Pixel Shader 3.0 support) *
ATI Radeon HD 2900 XT, NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT or better

What's Repacked by Black_Box:
* It is based on the license – EA *
* Audio quality is 100% *
* Video quality is 100% *
* Cut all languages except English (voice and interface is English) *
* Include ALL DLC *
* Enclosing a tablet from SKIDROW *
* Requires at least 1 GB of RAM for installation *
* Requires at least 10 GB of free space on HDD *

Link Download (7 Parts 6.4 GB):
Save Editor by Gibbed (311 KB):

Clean Trainer for v1.0 by KelSat (65 KB):

Alternative Trainer for v1.0 by Inferno (6 KB):

Clean Trainer for v1.02 by dR.oLLe (205 KB):

Patch v1.02 no DVD by Vitality (5.53 MB):
NOTE: Before overwrite file "MassEffect2.exe" in folder "X:\Your Folder\Mass Effect 2\Binaries", Please Backup that file first.

Install Notes by BVR:
1. Extract file "MediafireRepack.co.in_mefrpk.part01.rar"
2. Extract file "MediafireRepack.co.in_me2.part01.rar" again
3. Run file "MEffect_2.exe" and install it to Folder "X:\Games" or "X:\Program Files"
4. Play the Game. If Game not Run, please install NVIDIA PHYSX, you can download latest version in here

Darksiders: Wrath of War v1.1 BlackBox Repack Plus Trainer filesBB

Anda tentupernah dengar Game Modern Action Adventure berjudul Darksiders: Wrath of War yang mungkin Anda ingat bahwa Game ini dikemas dalam bentuk 4 DVD. Bagaimana jika Games yang berukuran belasan giga tersebut sekarang di-repack menjadi 4.40 GB atau seukuran 1 DVD? Tentu Anda akan menjawab pasti ada files Video dan Audio yang di-recode menjadi Kualitas yang lebih rendah atau bahkan dihilangkan. Eits, tunggu dulu Anda tentu tidak akan percaya bahwa Repack ini versi LossLess alias tidak ada files Video dan Audio yang dibuang atau di-recode. Bisamarck VanRiser telah mencoba install dan mainkan Game Darksiders dan Memang ini Repack LossLess, Kualitas Suara yang terdengar Sangat Menggelegar dan Kualitas Video-nya pun sangat Jelas dan tidak ada yang dihilangkan sama sekali. Sangat menarik untuk menjadi Koleksi Action Game Anda. Let's cekidot...

Developer: Vigil Games 
Publisher: THQ 
Genre: Modern Action Adventure

Deceived by the forces of evil into prematurely bringing about the end of the world, War - the first Horseman of the Apocalypse - stands accused of breaking the sacred law by inciting a war between Heaven and Hell. In the slaughter that ensued, the demonic forces defeated the heavenly hosts and laid claim to the Earth. Brought before the sacred Charred Council, War is indicted for his crimes and stripped of his powers. Dishonored and facing his own death, War is given the opportunity to return to Earth to search for the truth and punish those responsible. Hunted by a vengeful group of Angels, War must take on the forces of Hell, forge uneasy alliances with the very demons he hunts, and journey across the ravaged remains of the Earth on his quest for vengeance and vindication.

=> Apocalyptic Power - Unleash the wrath of War, combining brutalattacks and supernatural abilities to decimate all who stand in your way
=> Extreme Arsenal - Wield a devastating arsenal of angelic, demonic and Earthly weapons; and blaze a trail of destruction atop Ruin, War's fiery phantom steed
=> Epic Quest - Battle across the wastelands and demon-infested dungeons of the decimated Earth in your quest for vengeance and redemption
=> Character Progression - Uncover powerful ancient relics, upgrade your weapons, unlock new abilities, and customize your gameplay style
=> Battle Heaven and Hell - Battle against all who stand in your way - from war-weary angelic forces to Hell's hideous demon hordes

Minimum System Requirements:
* Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP (SP3) / Windows Vista (SP1) / Windows 7 *
* Processor: Intel Pentium IV at 3.0Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 3800 Processor at 2.4Ghz *
* Video Card: 256 MB VRAM - nVidia GeForce 8800 / GT220 / ATI Radeon X1900 *
* Memory: 1 GB RAM (XP) / 2 GB RAM (Vista & 7) *
* Hard Disk: 15 GB of free Hard Drive Space *
* Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card *
* Direct X: 9.0c *
* Controls: Keyboard & Mouse *

Recommended system requirements:
* Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6420 at 2.13Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200 at 2.60Ghz *
* Video Card: 512 MB VRAM - nVidia GeForce GTS 240 / ATI Radeon HD 3,870 *
* Memory: 2 GB RAM (XP) / 3 GB RAM (Vista & 7) *

What's Repack by BlackBox:
* Nothing Ripped or Removed *
* Game Language is English *
* Video Quality 100% *
* Need at least 15 GB Free Space in Game Dir *
* Installation Time: 1h 45min (Tested on Core i3 and 2 GB RAM) *
* Final Size: 7.63 GB *

Link Download (5 Parts 4.40 GB):
Pass RAR: www.blackboxrepack.com
NOTE: filesBB support IDM Resume Feature just like Mediafire (Tested by BVR)

Update v1.1 by SKIDROW (11.02 MB):

2 Clean and Working Trainer (122.75 KB):
Pass RAR: BismarckVanRiser

Install Notes by BVR:
1. Extract file "d.Siders.www.blackboxrepack.com.part1.rar"
2. Extract file "BB-Darksiders.iso"
3. Install/Run file "setup.exe"
4. Always remember to support the developers if you like the product and its quality.

Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012

[AIO] ALL-in-One Runtimes Windows Packages Mediafire

Sekarang saya ingin berbagi kepada Agan-agan semua tentang Windows Runtimes. Sebenarnya Windows Runtimes itu ada banyak tapi yang akan dikupas (emank bawang) kali ini cuma tiga (itu juga yang saya tahu aja cuma 3 padahal masih ada 9999 yang saya kaga tahu hehe).
Ok langsung aja kita bahas satu per satu.
Visual C++ Runtimes

Mungkin Anda sudah pernah dengar yang namanya VC (Visual C++) Runtimes? Yo'i memank menjengkelkan banget ya mau nyoba install games atawa software baru tapi ada Pesan: Runtimes Error. Itu karena Windows kita belum terinstall dengan Visual C++ (bahasa Pemrograman standard Windows). Ada 3 versi VC++ yaitu VC++ 2005, 2008 dan 2010. Bagi Pengguna Windows 7, VC++ Runtimes 2005&2008 Wajib di-install SEBELUM install Driver untuk mengatasi masalah Error 1935 saat install Third-Party Software/Games dan Office 2007/2010.

Link Download AIO v2.7 (5.31 MB):

.Net Framework Runtimes (dotnetfx)

Sama juga fungsinya seperti VC Runtimes, yakni untuk menjalankan suatu Program dan/atau Games sebagai persyaratan (requirement) yang diminta Software Developer. Runtimes ini dikeluarkan Microsoft untuk menutup bug pada sebagian Celah-Sistem Software dan Hardware di Windows kita. Itulah sebabnya .Net Framework ini termasuk penting karena ada beberapa Pembuat Software memerlukannya untuk menjalankan suatu Software/games.

Ada 2 Versi .Net Framework Runtimes yang BVR bagikan. Yang pertama adalah Versi .Net Framework Runtimes  dari 1.1 SP1, 2.0 SP2, 3.0 SP2, 3.5 SP1, include 4 Client & Extended.
Satunya lagi  hanya 1.1 SP1, 2.0 SP2, 3.0 SP2, 3.5 SP1

Link Download AIO .Net Framework Runtimes (43.75 MB):

Link Download AIO .Net Framework include v4 Full (64.26 MB):

Cek Versi .Net Framework melalui Registry Windows:
1. Klik Start->Run lalu ketik regedit
2. Buka HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP
3. atau dengan menggunakan Program NET Framework Detector, Download disini

DirectX Runtimes
Yang Hobi Main Game pasti tahu Runtimes ini untuk apa. Yap, Runtimes Wajib buat Para Gamer sejati. Kaga usah dijelasin lagi fungsinya untuk apa, yang jelas Agan-agan pasti lebih tahu, langsung saja BVR kasih Link Download dari Mediafire.

Link Download DirectX Runtimes 9.29.1974 April 2011 (Latest from Microsoft) 96.11 MB:

Cara Install Runtimes:
1. Automatis (Semuanya) -> Double klik file bertipe Application yang ber-extensi EXE.
2. Install Sebagian -> Anda memerlukan software Kompresi seperti WinRAR atau 7-Zip, caranya Klik kanan pada File yang dimaksud lalu Extract di Folder yang Anda pilih.

Rabu, 08 Agustus 2012

Windows 8 Professional x86 x64 Final RTM

Windows 8 telah memasuki versi Final RTM dalam versi Professional yang artinya Windows ini telah dilepas untuk Retail dan OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) yang bekerjasama dengan beberapa Vendor. Bismarck VanRiser menjajal Win8Pro terasa lebih ringan dan bertenaga tapi juga sempat kesulitan mencari Menu-menunya, pasalnya di Windows 8 tombol START di pojok kiri bawah telah dihilangkan untuk Efisiensi penggunaan Memori dan Perubahan User-Interface yang memang beda dari Windows sebelumnya. Windows 8 nantinya akan menggunakan Internet Explorer 10 sebagai Web Browser andalannya, selain itu .net Framework v4.5 Terbaru akan menggantikan v3.5 (Anda bisa lihat ScreenShot-nya yang diambil langsung dari Laptop BVR). OK tak perlu panjang-lebar, langsung kita ke Tekape...

Dikarenakan Tombol START telah dihapus maka untuk mebuka menu-nya tekan Tombol Windows (berupa Logo Windows) dari Keyboard Anda. Untuk Shutdown Windows, arahkan Cursor Mouse Anda ke Pojok Kanan Bawah (Lihat ScreenShot) lalu cari Menu "Settings"=>"Power"=>"Shutdown"

New Features of Windows 8:
(Right-Click then Open in New Tab to Enlarge ScreenShot)

Link Download x86-32Bit (7 Parts 2.45 GB):
New Serial:

Windows 8 Activation:
1. Open command promt as admin
2. For Proffesional Retail, type these lines ONE BY ONE!
-ipk XKY4K-2NRWR-8F6P2-448RF-CRYQH
slmgr /skms kms-c.no-ip.org:1688
slmgr.vbs -ato
For Enterprise Edition:
slmgr.vbs -ipk XKY4K-2NRWR-8F6P2-448RF-CRYQH
slmgr /skms kms-c.no-ip.org:1688
slmgr /ato
slmgr /dli

Download Windows 8 Transformation Pack v5.0 (57.67 MB):

Windows 8  Transformation Pack v5.0 Changelog:
-Fixed Segoe UI font installation compatibilities
-Improved uninstallation compatibilities with Themes removal
-Replaced Windows Vista theme with M-Awesome's Windows 8 RC
-Replaced Windows 7 theme with thepanda-x's Windows 8 RC Aero for Windows 7
-Replaced Windows 7 Metro theme with thepanda-x's Windows 8 RC Aero for Windows 7
-Updated Aero mouse cursors from Windows 8 Release Preview
-Updated battery tray icons quality from Windows 8 Release Preview
-Updated branding logo to official ones from Windows 8 Release Preview
-Updated Explorer toolbar buttons from Windows 8 Release Preview
-Updated loading circle animation from Windows 8 Release Preview
-Updated Metro Inspirat theme for Windows XP to version 4.0 from Windows 8 Release Preview with more focus to Metro design
-Updated Newgen Tiles with Windows 8 Release Preview's default background
-Updated Segoe UI fonts family from Windows 8 Release Preview
-Updated TrueTransparency skin matching Windows 8 Release Preview
-Updated Windows 8 Release Preview logon screen
-Updated Windows 8 Release Preview's wallpapers