Rabu, 26 Desember 2012

AIMP 3.20.1165 Portable Version Plus Skins and Equalizer Setting

AIMP3 Final memang Unik karena Software Pemutar MP3 ini dapat diubah Skins-nya dengan berbagai macam Model seperti "Mirip" iPhone, iPod, WinAmp, Windows Media Player 12, dsb dan Bismarck VanRiser akan membagikan Link Download AIMP3 Skins yang bagus-bagus. Selain itu BismarckVanRiser telah menyiapkan Equalizer Setting untuk Suara yang lebih Dahsyat. Sebelumnya kita lihat dahulu ScreenShot dari Skins AIMP3 yang "Serupa tapi Tak Sama" ini. AIMP 3.20.1165 juga support Bahasa Indonesia, tambah MANTAP saja, Gan!

Main features:
=> Multiformat Playback:
MP1, MP2, MP3, MPC, MP+, AAC, AC3, OGG, FLAC, APE, WavPack, Speex, WAV, CDA, WMA, S3M, XM, MOD, IT, MO3, MTM, UMX
=> Great functionality and user-friendly interface
=> Creating bookmarks and playback queue
=> 18-band equalizer and built-in sound effects
Reverb, Flanger, Chorus, Pitch, Tempo, Echo, Speed
=> 32-bit audio processing
For the best quality!
=> Work with multiple playlists
While one plays - you work with another
=> Support for plugins
You can add new utils or extend already existing
=> Multi-user mode support
Are several users working with one computer? This is no problem!
=> Multilanguage interface
=> Hotkeys
Configure local and global hotkeys as you wish!
=> Files search
Search files on all opened playlists
=> Flexible programm options

Link Download Setup+Portable* (7.28MB):
NOTES: *When Install choose Portable Version so that it will create the "Profile" Folder in the same place you installed AIMP3

Best Skins for AIMP3:
Black Glass v3=> http://adf.ly/4VOSl
iAmp (iPhone)=> http://adf.ly/4VOVR
Das Skin v1.5 (WinAmp)=> http://adf.ly/4VOXv
AIMP Se7en (WMP12)=> http://adf.ly/4VObM
XCrystall (iPod)=> http://adf.ly/4VOcq
Eres Blue v2=> http://adf.ly/4VOfs
NOTES: Just click "Скачать (xxx KB)" to Download Skins and Extract to "Skins" Folder of your AIMP3 Installed 

Another Skins for AIMP3:

BVR-AIMP3 Equalizer Setting:
Pass RAR: BismarckVanRiser 

Install Equalizer Setting from BVR:
1. Run AIMP3 for the First time
2. Close AIMP3. When you Close AIMP3, it will create the "Profile" Folder
3.  Extract "BVR-AIMP3EQ [BismarckVanRiser].rar"
4. Copy and Overwrites "AIMP3.ini" From "BVR-AIMP3EQ [BismarckVanRiser]" Folder to "X:\Program Files\AIMP3\Profile" Folder
5. Remove file "EQPresetsLibrary.ini" to another location or delete it if you want to use BVR Equalizer Setting
6. Enjoy Bigger Sound from BVR

Cara Setting Equalizer dari BVR:
1. Install AIMP3 pilih "Portable Version"
2. Buka AIMP3 lalu Tutup kembali.
3. Extract file RAR "BVR-AIMP3EQ [BismarckVanRiser].rar" ketemu file "AIMP3.ini"
4. Buka folder "X:\Program Files\AIMP3\Profile", Kopi dan Timpa file "AIMP3.ini" ke Folder "Profile" tersebut.
5. Pindahkan file "EQPresetsLibrary.ini" ke lokasi lain atau hapus file tersebut bila Anda ingin menggunakan BVR Equalizer Setting
6. Buka lagi AIMP3 dan Klik Icon Equalizer seperti gambar di bawah ini:
7. Selamat Menikamti Suara yang lebih Dahsyat dari Equalizer Setting by BVR

Adobe Flash Player ActiveX and Flash Player Plugin 11.5.502.135 Final Portable

Anda tentu sudah tahu Flash Player ActiveX dan Plugin gunanya untuk memutar Flash Video seperti FLV (YouTube) pada Web Browser kesayangan Anda, jadi sebenarnya kedua-duanya merupakan Plug-in (Add-on) pada Web Browser. Lalu sebenarnya apa sih beda diantara keduanya? Flash Player ActiveX adalah Flash Player untuk versi Internet Explorer (IE) sedangkan Flash Player Plugin untuk Non IE seperti Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, dsb. Untuk Flash Player ActiveX (Versi IE) hanya ada versi Installer karena pada dasarnya semua OS Windows yang kita gunakan hampir semuanya telah terinstall Internet Explorer, sehingga Anda mungkin tidak pernah mendengar ada Website yang menyediakan download Internet Explorer Portable Version. Sedangkan untuk Flash Player Plugin (Non IE) karena Web Browser yang ada selain Internet Explorer bersifat Third-Party Software (Software Tambahan) maka sering kita mendengar Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, dsb versi Portable karena BVR juga sudah sering posting Web Browser tersebut dalam versi Portable. OK kita langsung cekidot saja ke TKP...

Link Download FP ActiveX 11.5.502.135 Final for IE:

FP Plugin 11.5.502.135 Final Installer Non IE (15.6 MB):

FP Plugin 11.5.502.135 Final Portable Non IE (11.88 MB):
Install Notes by BVR:
Untuk FP ActiveX dan Plugin versi Installer, Anda install seperti biasa sesuai dengan Core OS Windows 32 atau 64 Bit.
Untuk FP Plugin Portable, ini uniknya jika Anda pernah download dan menggunakan Web Browser Portable versi PAF yang ada beberapa telah diposting BismarckVanRiser. Anda tak perlu install, yang Anda butuhkan adalah Software 7-Zip untuk meng-Extract file "Plugin_Portable_Flash_11.xxx.paf.exe" lalu pindahkan Folder  "Plugin" (ada 2 Files yaitu "nppdf32.dll" dan "NPSWF32.dll") yang ada di "X:\Plugin_Portable_Flash_11. xxx.paf \ChromePortable\Data\Plugins" ke Web Browser Portable Paf yang Anda gunakan. Anda bisa lihat ScreenShot dibawah ini...
Right-Click then Open in New Tab to Enlarge ScreenShot

VLC Media Player 2.0.5 Portable USB Version Mediafire

VLC Media Player adalah multimedia player yang sangat portabel untuk berbagai format audio dan video (MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, mp3, ogg, dsb) serta DVD, VCD, dan berbagai protokol streaming. Dapat pula digunakan sebagai server untuk streaming dalam unicast atau multicast di IPv4 atau IPv6 pada jaringan bandwidth tinggi. Sebenarnya Bismarck VanRiser ingin posting tentang VLC dari sejak dirilis versi 2.0 namun setelah dicoba dan tidak begitu mengesankan alias banyak bug maka  BismarckVanRiser mengurungkan niat untuk posting tentang VLC. Di versi 2.0.5 ini begitu banyak perbaikan pada bug dan memang telah dicoba BVR maka baru sekarang BVR posting.

=> Rewritten video output core and modules, allowing subpicture blending in GPU.
=> Shader support in the OpenGL output, for colorspace conversion, including 10bits.
=> New video outputs for Windows 7, Android, iOS and OS/2.
=> New debanding, grain, denoising and anti-flickering filters.
=> New deinterlacing filter, including an Inverse Telecine algorithm.

=> New resamplers for higher quality audio.
=> New dynamic range compressor and karaoke filters.
=> Simplification of the audio core for faster processing.
=> New audio outputs for iOS, Android and OS/2.

=> Multi-threaded decoding for H.264, MPEG-4/Xvid and WebM.
=> Support for 10bits codecs, WMV image and some other codecs.
=> Rewritten support for images, including jpeg, png, xcf, bmp...
=> Important changes in RealVideo and Real Format support.
=> CrystalHD cards and Android OpenMAX support for hardware decoding.

Input and Devices:
=> Experimental support for BluRay discs:
     - Menus are deactivated in this release (will come soon).
     - AACS and BD+ DRM libraries and keys are not shipped, for legal reasons.
=> Support for SDI capture cards and QTKit devices.
=> Support for new adaptive streaming protocols, like HLS and DASH.

For Mac Users:
=> Completely new, single window interface:
     - Available in 2 colors: Lion grey and QTX black.
     - Extensions support and better Lion integration.
=> Support for all QTKit devices through qtcapture and qtsound modules.
=> Continued support for X 10.5 and PPC users (1080p and ProRes on Dual-G5!).

For Anime Fans:
=> Vastly improved MKV demuxer.
=> Rewritten linked segments and ordered chapter files support.
=> Correct support for FLAC, RV and Hi10p in MKV.
=> Rewritten seeking support in cue files.
=> Various ASS subtitles improvements.

For professional Users:
=> Support for ProRes 422 and 4444, AVC/Intra.
=> Support for Jpeg-2000 and DNxHD/VC-3 in 10bits.
=> Support for EBU subtitles (stl) and EIA-608.
=> SDI and HD-SDI card support for input on Linux.
=> New Dirac/VC-2 encoder, faster than the previous one.

For Developers:
=> libVLC, libVLCcore and libcompat have switched from GPL to LGPLv2.1+.
=> New libVLC examples are available: media player, photobooth and mediainfo clones.
=> New JSON requests on the web interface to control running VLC instances.
=> Implementation of the MPRIS2 interface to control media players.
=> VLC's web plugins have been rewritten for better integration and stability in all browsers.

Link Download Portable PAF (19.68 MB):

Link Download Portable Online PAF (570 KB):
Pass RAR: BismarckVanRiser
In first screen enter: 2.0.5

Registry Reviver Portable Plus Tips and Tricks Mediafire

Karena sudah terlanjur Posting tentang Tweaking Utilities Software, kayaknya sekalian saja deh Posting tentang Registry Reviver karena kalau tidak diposting, BVR Merasa Bersalah pada Para Pengunjung Setia Blog BismarckVanRiser yang masih baru ini. Mau tahu kenapa BismarckVanRiser sampai sebegitunya merasa bersalah bila tidak posting tentang software yang satu ini? Karena Registry Reviver adalah Registry Cleaner Software paling banyak diminati. Ini bukan kata BimarckVanriser lho, tapi ini yang ngomong begitu adalah TopTenReviews.com, tukang riset apa saja (Software, Electronics, dll). OK kalau Agan-agan tidak percaya, silahkan buka Website ini http://registry-cleaners-software-review.toptenreviews.com/

Link Dowwload (Portable by Baltagy 4.66 MB):
Tips & Tricks Registry Reviver dari Bismarck VanRiser:
Pertama kali Anda klik Menu "Options"=>"Exclusions". Kali ini Anda Hilangkan Centang (Unmark) "Skip Errors due to Removable Media" dan "Skip empty Registry Keys to be listed as errors". Dari Menu Exclusions klik Menu "General" kedua  dari kiri, Anda Hilangkan Centang (Unmark) "Run Registry Reviver at Windows Startup" dan "Minimize to System Tray" dan Pilih Bahasa yang Anda inginkan (Ada bahasa Indonesia juga yang paling bawah) lalu klik Apply dan Yes. Setelah Software restart automatis, buka Menu Scan atau Pindai (Bahasa Indonesia)  yang terletak di Kedua dari Kiri, lalu Anda Centang semuanya termasuk Deep Scan (Pemindaian Menyeluruh) dan klik Begin Error Scan (Mulai Pemindaian Kesalahan). Setting tersebut Anda lakukan hanya sekali saja, selanjutnya Anda tinggal Klik Tombol Start PC Scan Now (Mulai Pemindaian) pada Menu Home (Beranda) setiap Anda ingin menghapus Regsitry Windows yang tidak penting. Demikian Tips and Tricks dari BismarckVanRiser.

Xilisoft Video Converter Ultimate v7.7.0 Build 20121224 Portable

Xilisoft Video Converter Ultimate merupakan Software andalan BismarckVanRiser untuk mengkonversi file video karena selain telah support hampir semua format file video saat ini, penggunaannya pun juga sangat mudah sekali dari Newbie sampai Expert dijamin pasti dapat mengoperasikannya. Sehingga sekarang Anda bisa menyimpan film kesayangan Anda dari DVD atau BluRay ke HandPhone, Tablet PC, atau Multimedia Tablet seperti Ipad, dsb.

Xilisoft Video Converter Ultimate is powerful, versatile video conversion software which convert video file between all popular video formats such as convert AVI to MPEG, WMV to AVI, WMV to MPEG, H.264 video, etc. No other program like Xilisoft Video Converter supports so comprehensive video formats including DVD, VCD, SVCD, AVI, MPEG, MP4, WMV, 3GP, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, H.264/PSP AVC Video, MOV, RM, ASF, FLV, SWF, etc. In addition, The Video Converter provides an easy way to convert video file to popular audio file, like MP2, MP3, AC3, RA, M4A, OGG, AAC etc. The Video Converter also supports APE, CUE decoding and audio CD ripping.

Main Functions:
• Act as 3GP Video Converter, iPod Video Converter, PSP Video Converter, Zune Video Converter, AVI MPEG Converter, MP4 Video Converter, MOV Converter, MKV to MPEG converter, etc.;
• Convert between all popular video formats including AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP, FLV, help you on how to convert AVI to MPEG, convert MKV to AVI, convert MKV to MPEG;
• Convert videos to popular audio files, including MP2, MP3, WMA, WAV, RA, M4A, AAC, AC3, and OGG, and convert between these audio formats;
• Extract pictures from video and output them as JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, SWF;
• Convert pictures to video formats like AVI, FLV, SWF, MOV, 3GP, WMV, etc.

Key Features:
• Powerful video effect editing functions to customize your video: crop video size, edit video effects, and add video watermark; (Ultimate only)
• Support the decoding and encoding of lossless audio; (Ultimate only)
• Preview and compare the source video and fixed video; (Ultimate only)
• Merge several video segments to one for conversion; (Ultimate and Platinum only)
• Clip segments from video and audio, and output them respectively or merge them into one for output; (Ultimate and Platinum only)
• Preview clipped video segment; (Ultimate and Platinum only)
• More optimized and classified profiles are supported now, and any profile can be customized to create your own one with your favorite settings;
• Customize the output file size and auto-calculate corresponding video bit rate;
• Multiple output formats can be set for one original to facilitate your conversion;
• Convert videos to compatible formats to work on PSP, PS3, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, Zune, Archos, blackberry, iRiver PMP, Creative Zen, etc.;
• It supports H.264/AVC video format, PSP H.264/MPEG-4 AVC encoding/decoding, PSP H.264/AVC Video (480x272) (*.mp4);
• It provides batch conversion and multithreading, thus you can select multiple files at one time to have them convert one by one automatically;
• You can convert any clip or segment of the video at will by setting the start point and duration, and split one source file to several by duration or file size;
• video codec and audio codec can be modified: alternatively select video codec such as MPEG4, DVvideo, Mjpeg, etc. for AVI, H263, and MPEG4 for 3GP, as well as audio codec like PCM, MP2, MP3, MPEGAAC, AC3, etc.
• When converting files, you can pause, stop and continue at any moment;
• You can keep the default settings or set parameters of the video and audio by yourself to get particular effects for output file.

System Requirements:
OS: Microsoft® Windows XP (SP2 or later), Windows Vista, Windows 7
Processor: 1GHz Intel/AMD processor or above
RAM: 256MB RAM (512MB or above recommended)
Free Hard Disk: 100MB space for installation
Graphic Card: Super VGA (800×600) resolution, 16-bit graphics card or higher

Link Download Xilisoft Video Converter Ultimate Portable (57.1 MB):
Credit ot Baltagy

Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012

Portable Tiny SoftMaker Office 2012.675 only 21 MB RGhost Minus

Seberapa kecil Office Software yang ada saat ini, versi Lite sekalipun? Tentu ukurannya mencapai Puluhan atau ratusan Megabytes, bukan? Adalah SoftMaker Office 2012 yang dapat Anda andalkan untuk membuat Text (Word), Plan (Excel) dan Presentations (PowerPoint) layaknya Office Software pada umumnya. Lebih Hebatnya lagi, SoftMaker Office 2012 dapat membuka dan menyimpan File-file berekstensi DOCX, XLSX, PPTX seperti yang kita jumpai pada Microsoft Office 2007/2010. Sepertinya SoftMaker Office 2012 ini tidak boleh dipandang sebelah mata. Walaupun Kecil namun Cabe Rawit. Bismarck VanRiser telah menyediakan Link Download Mediafire yang berukuran hanya 20 MB, ini adalah Versi Terbaru: SoftMaker Office 2012.675. Anda dapat menggunakan TextMaker dan PlanMaker pada Mini XP USB Bootable.

Berikut ScreenShot dari TextMaker 2012 (Kalau di Microsoft Office, kita menyebut WORD)
(Right-Click then Open in New Tab to enlarge Screenshot)

ScreenShot untuk PlanMaker (Kalau di Microsoft Office biasa disebut EXCEL)
(Right-Click then Open in New Tab to enlarge Screenshot)

Dan yang Terakhir ini adalah ScreenShot dari SoftMaker Presentations yang mirip dengan Microsoft PowerPoint
(Right-Click then Open in New Tab to enlarge Screenshot)

Portable SoftMaker Office 2012.675 (21 MB):

Ashampoo Photo Commander v10.2.0 Portable Zippy

Perangkat lunak all-in-one untuk koleksi foto AndaAshampoo Photo Commander 10 menawarkan fitur perpaduan yang sempurna untuk mengelola, mengedit, menghadirkan dan mengoptimalkan gambar digital Anda. Program ini menyediakan Anda dengan manajemen yang cepat dan langsung dari koleksi foto Anda termasuk pilihan untuk membuat grup, gambar tag dan menyusun album foto virtual. Misalnya menetapkan nama tujuan perjalanan terakhir Anda (penandaan) pada gambar liburan anda. Dengan cara ini Anda akan dapat menemukan semua gambar yang Anda ambil di tempat tujuan dengan sangat cepat.
Jadilah kreatif dan mengedit gambar digital Anda sesuai dengan keinginan Anda. Optimalkan foto dengan satu klik, menghapus mata merah atau menggunakan efek yang berbeda, seperti perubahan warna, untuk mengedit gambar Anda. Putar foto Anda yang paling indah dalam lukisan minyak, membuat kalender dengan gambar Anda sendiri atau undangan pribadi dengan gambar yang lucu untuk pesta Anda.
Tentu saja, Versi 10 dari Ashampoo Photo Commander menawarkan banyak fitur baru dan perbaikan. Di antara fitur-fitur lainnya ada mode dual-view baru untuk perbandingan gambar asli dengan gambar tersebut ketika mengedit. Selain itu, alat optimasi dan fungsi video ditingkatkan, efek baru yang ditambahkan dan banyak lagi. Ketika menangani foto digital Anda, Anda tidak akan ingin melakukannya tanpa Ashampoo Photo Commander 10 lagi.

Software Highlights
Miniature view with grouping function
With the grouping function in the improved miniature view you can get a better overview of your pictures by filtering them according to certain terms (tags), model of the camera, file format etc.
You can now tag your photos, this means that you assign certain terms to your photos. These will be saved to the IPTC meta data and simplify for example the detection or grouping of pictures.
Batch processing
Batch processing significantly reduces the amount of effort when editing photos. You can convert several pictures into a new format at once or apply effects to a bunch of pictures.
Editing and optimization of photos
In the quick-fix mode you can optimize a photo with one click, adjust contrast and colors, add effects, resize the photo, remove red eyes etc.
Furthermore, objects such as speech bubbles, shapes or arrows, can be added in the editing mode.
HTML albums, slideshows, collages…
Stunning HTML albums, slideshows (with music), collages, calendars, frames for pictures, greeting cards, photo mixes and TIFF multi pages of your pictures can be created in next to no time.
Audio and video
Audio and video collections can be managed just as easily as picture collections. Additionally, the program offers an integrated playback function so that you can play all your multimedia files with Ashampoo Photo Commander 10.
Burn discs, send e-mails and create PDFs
With just a few clicks photos can be burned on CD, DVD or Blu-ray Disc, send in an e-mail or be exported as PDF.
Import from cameras and scanners
With the import tool you can select and import pictures directly from your digital camera or a scanner. This tool also enables the automatic rotation of photos, if the digital camera provides this information.
Skins and plug-ins
Use the included skins to give your Ashampoo Photo Commander 10 a personal look. Plug-ins for handling additional file formats are supported.
Speed optimizations for handling many files (5000+)
(Right-Click then Open in New Tab to see ScreenShot of Photo Editing Feature)

Bugs Fixed:

* Scanning in color crashes *
* Selection: Portions outside photo dimensions cutted on copy or crop command *

* Batch Redate: Custom date not working *
* Textobject: Incompatible fonts selectable *
* Crash if files without extension in folder *
* Adding and deleting objects while saving the file did not remove those correctly *
* Crash with certain EXIF files *
* Browser: Move File: Did not advance to correct next file sometimes *
(Right-Click then Open in New Tab to see ScreenShot of Photo Optimizing Feature)

 Link Download v10.2.0 Portable (80.4 MB):

NOTE: Sebelum Bismarc VanRiser Posting Software Ashampoo Photo Commander v10.2.0 Portable, BismarckVanRiser telah mendownload dan menguji Software Portable tersebut. Hasilnya Link Download is OK, Software is Working so Do Not be Worry to Download the software from the Links that BVR provide to you.

Driver Magician 3.71 Portable USB Version Mediafire

Driver Magician menawarkan sebuah Solusi Profesional untuk backup, update, restorasi, dan penghapusan perangkat driver dalam sistem operasi Windows. Software Kecil ini mampu mengidentifikasi semua hardware di PC/Laptop, ekstrak driver terkait dari hard disk dan mengembalikan mereka ke lokasi pilihan Anda. Kemudian ketika Anda memformat dan menginstal ulang/upgrade OS, Anda dapat mengembalikan semua driver yang di-backup seakan Anda memiliki CD/USB Driver asli di tangan Anda. Dengan satu kali restart PC maka PC Anda akan berjalan dengan driver hardware yang dibutuhkan.
Satu lagi, Driver Magician memiliki built-in database driver terbaru dengan kemampuan untuk menerima update driver melalui Internet. Ini menghemat banyak waktu dalam mencari driver yang benar dan matang, jelas akan meningkatkan kinerja hardware. Jika ada perangkat yang tidak dikenal di PC Anda, Driver Magician membantu Anda mendeteksi mereka dengan mudah dan cepat melalui Database Pengenal Hardware.

=> Back up device drivers of your computer in four modes.
=> Restore device drivers from backup in one mouse click.
=> Update device drivers of your PC to improve system performance and stability.
=> Uninstall device drivers.
=> Live Update device identifier database and driver update database.
=> Detect unknown devices.
=> Back up more items such as My Documents and Desktop.
=> Restore more items from backup.
=> Get detailed information of the hardware drivers.
=> Clone all drivers to an auto-setup package (.exe), so you can restore drivers without installing Driver Magician.

What's new Driver Magician v3.7 (August 14th, 2012):
* Support Windows 8 *
* Some minor tweaks *

Link Download Portable (3.71 MB):
Pass RAR: BismarckVanRiser

Nero Burning ROM 12.0.28001 MultiLingual PORTABLE Mediafire

Sharing Game melulu jadi lupa mau bagiin Software Nero Burning ROM. Pasti sudah pada tahu donk apa fungsinya software ini..Yup ini Software yang tidak asing di telinga kita yang paling jagonya ngebakar CD-DVD (Asal jangan buat ngebakar yang laen ya). Saya tak perlu jelasin panjang lebar lagi, tentu Agan-agan mungkin lebih tahu tentang software ini.
Eiit, tunggu dulu, ini bukan Nero biasa, tapi ini Nero versi PORTABLE Paf yang proses install dan penggunaannya tidak mengubah banyak Registry Windows Anda. Saya pun sangat menyukai Software yang bersifat Portable karena selain Simple, kita bisa install di Folder yang kita suka. OK kita langsung Download saja the Best No 1 Burning Software yang bisa Anda Lihat review-nya di http://cd-burning-software-review.toptenreviews.com/

Link Download 12.0.28001 (26.64 MB):

Setelah saya tes jalankan ternyata Software ini membutuhkan Visual C++ 2010 (VC 10) yang bisa Anda Download disini

Sabtu, 17 November 2012

Switchover Skyrim CBBE v5 Beauty Face Without Skills Reset Plus Best Body Pack Mediafire

Bagi Anda yang masih Kuatir All Skill akan tereset saat mengubah Char Anda menjadi Ras lain, BVR akan memberitahukan caranya agar All Skills Char Anda tidak tereset. Tutorial tersebut telah diuji dan berhasil 100%, so let's check it out...
UPDATE: Download Update CBBE v5 Hotfix dari link Mediafire. Tambahan Tutorial cara mengaktifkan Perubahan Mata pada CBBE v5 Beauty Face
For those of you who are still Afraid of Char Skill Reset when you convert your Char into another race, BVR will tell you the way so it does not reset Char Skill. Tutorial has been tested and working 100%, so let's check it out...
UPDATE: Download Update CBBE v5 Hotfix from Mediafire link. Additional Tutorials on how to enable Eyes Change for CBBE v5 Beauty Face

Tutorial Cara Mengkonversi Skyrim Char ke Ras lain:
1. Backup savegame Anda
2. Sebelum Anda memulai Skyrim, jalankan "SkyrimLauncher.exe" => "DATA FILES" => jangan centang "HighResTexturePack01.esp" dan "HighResTexturePack02.esp" (Jika Anda menggunakan HD Texture DLC)
3. Jalankan Game Skyrim dan Load savegame Anda
4. Di Game Skyrim, tekan tilde (~) pada keyboard di bawah tombol ESC. Lalu ketik: setrace [RaceID] tekan tombol Enter. Jika Anda ingin mengubah ke Ras Nord, ketik: setrace nord
5. Setelah Char Anda Berubah, ketik: showracemenu dan lanjutkan tutorial di bawah ini:

Tutorial How to Convert Skyrim Char into Another Race:
1. Backup your SaveGame
2. Before you started Skyrim, Run "SkyrimLauncher.exe"=>"DATA FILES"=>uncheck "HighResTexturePack01.esp" and "HighResTexturePack02.esp" (If you using HD Texture DLC)
3. Start Skyrim game and Load your SaveGame
4. In Skyrim Game, press the Tilde (~) at the Keyboard below the ESC key. Then Type: setrace [RaceID] press the Enter key. If you want to change to Nord Race, type: setrace nord
5. After your Char Changed, type: showracemenu and continue the tutorial below:

7 Langkah untuk mengedit Skyrim CBBE v5 Beauty Face. 7 ways to edit Skyrim CBBE v5 Beauty Face:
(Untuk memperbesar ScreenShot, Klik-Kanan lalu Open in New Tab. To enlarge the ScreenShot, Right-Click then Open in New Tab)

1. Dalam Game Skyrim, tekan tombol Tilde (~) di Keyboard di bawah Tombol ESC. Lalu ketik: showracemenu, tekan Enter dan tombol Tilde (~) kembali untuk tutup. Pilih Ras Manusia Nord
In Skyrim Game, press the Tilde (~) at the Keyboard below the ESC key. Then Type: showracemenu, press the Enter key and the tilde (~) again to close. Select the Human Race Nord

2. Untuk Badan => Female dengan Preset:5 (Geser Mouse 5X dari Kiri ke Kanan). Berat Badan:2 (Geser Mouse 2X dari Kiri ke Kanan)
For Body => Female with the Preset:5 (Slide Mouse 5 times from Left to Right). Body Weight:2 (Slide Mouse 2 times from Left to Right)

3. Untuk War Point dan War Point Color => Geser Mouse ke sisi Paling Kiri
For War Point and War Point Color => Slide the mouse to the Left Side

4. Untuk Mata => Eye Shape:3 (Geser Mouse 3X dari Kiri ke Kanan); Eye Color:4 (Geser Mouse 4X dari Kiri ke Kanan); Eye Height:9 (Geser Mouse 9X dari Kiri ke Kanan); Eye Shadow:1 (Geser Mouse 1X dari Kiri ke Kanan)
For Eyes => Eye Shape:3 (Slide the Mouse 3 times from Left to Right); Eye Color:4 (Slide the Mouse 4 times from Left to Right); Eye Height:9 (Slide the Mouse 9 times from Left to Right); Eye Shadow:1 (Slide the Mouse 1 time from Left to Right)

5. Untuk Alis => Brow Type: Geser Mouse 1X dari Kanan ke Kiri
For Brow => Brow Type: Slide the Mouse 1 time from Right to Left

6. Untuk Bagian Mulut => Mouth Shape:9 (Geser Mouse 9X dari Kiri ke Kanan); Mouth Forward: Geser Mouse ke sisi Paling KiriChin Width:3 (Geser Mouse 3X dari Kiri ke Kanan); Chin Length: 7 (Geser Mouse 7X dari Kiri ke Kanan)
For Mouth => Mouth Shape:9 (Slide the Mouse 9 times from Left to Right); Mouth Forward: Slide the mouse to the Left Side; Chin Width:3 (Slide the Mouse 3 times from Left to Right); Chin Length: 7 (Slide the Mouse 7 times from Left to Right)

7. Untuk Rambut-nya Terserah Anda. Jika Anda bertanya pada BVR, BVR menggunakan FallOut3 Hairs Natural Edition Type 16 dengan Warna Merah
For her Hair is up to you. If you ask me, I use FallOut3 Hairs Natural Edition Type 16 with Red Color

Optional to using CBBE v5 Beauty Face with Dolls Eyes:
1. Untuk menggunakan Mata Boneka perlu edit Hidung-nya terlebih dahulu. Pastikan antara Hidung dan Mulut harus Simetris. To use the Dolls Eyes need to edit the Nose first. Make sure between the Nose and Mouth should be Symmetric.
Wajah => Nose Type:1 (Geser Mouse 1X dari Kiri ke Kanan); Nose Height:9 (Geser Mouse 9X dari Kiri ke Kanan); Nose Length:5 (Geser Mouse 5X dari Kiri ke Kanan)
Face => Nose Type:1 (Slide the Mouse 1 time from Left to Right); Nose Height:9 (Slide the Mouse 9 times from Left to Right); Nose Length:5 (Slide the Mouse 5 times from Left to Right)

2. Untuk Mata Boneka => Eye Shape:1 (Geser Mouse 1X dari Kiri ke Kanan); Eye Height:12 (Geser Mouse 12X dari Kiri ke Kanan)
For Dolls Eyes => Eye Shape:1 (Slide the Mouse 1 time from Left to Right); Eye Height:12 (Slide the Mouse 12 times from Left to Right)

3. (Baru) Untuk mengaktifkan perubahan Mata tekan Tilde (~) pada Keyboard (bawah tombol ESC) lagi. Kemudian ketik: showracemenu, tekan tombol Enter dan tilde (~) lagi untuk tutup. Tekan R untuk menamai Char Anda. Dengan cara ini selalu Berhasil 100%
(New) To enable Eye's change press the Tilde (~) at the Keyboard (below the ESC key) again. Then Type: showracemenu, press the Enter key and the tilde (~) again to close. Press R key to Rename Your Char. This way always Working 100%

Jika Anda ingin mencoba CBBE v5 by BVR The Best of Skyrim Body Pack, Anda dapat download terlebih dahulu. If you want to try CBBE v5 by BVR  The Best of Skyrim Body Pack, you can download it first at:
Key Features of CBBE v5 by BVR (Final Best of Skyrim Beauty Pack):
=> No needs ENB but you can use it according to your needs
=> Support Full-Set HD can even run smoothly in Low Quality Graphics without HD Texture
=> The Char's Skin more White and Clear
=> Support more Armor and Hair Mods you can use
=> Compatible with All SaveGames
=> Animation when Walking, Running and Jumping
=> Facial Structure are more complete in Jaw, Cheek, Eyes, Brows and Mouth

Additional Download Fair Skin Complexion by HHaleyy:
FSC-Envision Face Feature (1.07 MB) => http://www.mediafire.com/?5etbe1l913ibjcy
FSC-Pretty Face Feature (1.58 MB) => http://www.mediafire.com/?2o842n3993ez439
FSC-Univision Patch Feature (1.05 MB) => http://www.mediafire.com/?hz1kgoc8lg8sbb9
New! FSC-Nidias Face Feature (861 KB) => http://www.mediafire.com/?lidncrsbn3oeu8k
Pass RAR: BismarckVanRiser
NOTE: Download All 3 Features of FSC, you can combine with Sanhoshin Eyes. To enable the Features, press the Tilde (~) at the Keyboard below the ESC key. Then Type: showracemenu, press the Enter key and the tilde (~) again to close. Press R key to Rename Your Char.

Download First Savegame Super CBBE v5 Beauty Face include Hair Pack only 2 MB:

New! Download Another 1stSave CBBE v5 Beauty Face include Hair Pack only 2 MB:

+==Item-NPC-Hair-Sound Effect Mods==+

Sabtu, 03 November 2012

The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Full Plus High Textures-Update-Mods-Trainer Mediafire

KaOs Rip v2 untuk Game of the Year 2011 dan RPG of the Year 2011 The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim. hanya 2.66 GB dan setelah di-install akan menjadi 8 GB lebih sudah termasuk Update 9 v1.6.89 Final Stable. Silahkan download bagi yang belum punya karena Skyrim benar-benar Game RPG Fenomenal yang paling banyak Mods-nya. Bagi yang ada masalah CTD (Crash to Desktop) saat menggunakan Official HD Texture DLC silahkan download Fix v1.3.8236 dari Mediafire.
UPDATE: Everything mulai dari KaOs rip v2, Full Games by Razor1911, HD Texture DLC+Fix v1.3.8236, Update Terbaru, Clean Trainer, SaveGame SuperChar sampai BodyFace-NPC-Hair-Sound Effect Mods.

Developer: Bethesda Game Studios
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Engine: Creation Engine
Platform: Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Genre: Action role-playing, open world
Mode: Single-player
Release date: November 11, 2011

Skyrim is set two hundred years after the events of Oblivion, in the land of Skyrim. The province has erupted into civil war after the assassination of its king. Concurrently, the god Alduin, who takes the form of a massive dragon, has arisen to destroy the world. The player character is one of the last living Dovahkiin , and must fend off Alduin and save Skyrim from destruction.

Weapons can be created by the player at a forge, and are assigned to each hand individually, allowing for dual-wielding. At the cost of stamina, the player can sprint and jump. Shields can be used with a bashing attack.
* Within Skyrim lie five cities, comparatively larger to those in Oblivion’s Cyrodiil setting, and expanses of wilderness and mountainous ranges. When visiting cities, the player can complete activities such as farming and mining, and is able to smith weapons from a forge.
* A new feature introduced in Skyrim is the use of Dragon Shouts, powerful skills gained by slaying dragons, examples of which include teleportation, slowing down time and summoning a dragon to aid the player. There are roughly twenty different Dragon Shouts to be gained throughout the game
* Skyrim introduces the Radiant Story system, which governs quests and how they function. Side-quests are dynamically altered based on the player's actions, and are tailored to the player's abilities and progress

Minimum System Requirements
* OS: 7/Vista/XP PC (32 or 64 bit)
* CPU: Dual Core 2.0GHz or equivalent processor
* RAM: 2 GB
* HDD: 6 GB
* Graphics: 512 MB card
* Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible
* DirectX: Version 9.0_42

Recommended System Requirements
* CPU: Quad-core Intel or AMD CPU
* RAM: 4 GB
* Graphics: 1 GB Graphics Memory (Nvidia GeForce GTX 260/ATI Radeon 4890 or higher

What's Ripped by KaOsKrew v2:
Language: English
Iso/Patch: Razor1911/RELOADED
Ripped/Removed: Nothing
Movie/Recode: Untouched
Audio/Recode: Rebuild
Texture/Recode: Rebuild
Drivers/Extras: DX, VcRedist, Update9

Link Download Full Version by Razor1911 (28 Parts 5.5 GB):
Pass RAR: mechoigame.com

Link Download KaOs Rip v2 (5 Parts 2.66 GB):
Mirror Link:
Pass: www.kaoskrew.org

+==About Skyrim High Resolution Texture Pack DLC==+
If your PC/Laptop has Recomended System Requirement (Windows Vista/7, 4GB of RAM, and a DirectX 9.0c compatible NVIDIA or AMD ATI video card with at least 1 GB of RAM with fully updated drivers), you can download Skyrim High Resolution Texture Pack DLC. You can watch the Video here:

Link Download High Texture DLC (17 Parts 3.3 GB):
Pass RAR: mechoigame.com

Link Download HD Texture DLC Fix v1.3.8236 (53.82 MB):

+==About Trainer==+
Pass RAR: BismarckVanRiser
(Click ABOUT to translate into English)

+==About Update by RELOADED==+
Link Download Update 9 RELOADED (135.48 MB):

Link Download Update 8 RELOADED (132.98 MB):
Pass: invazor-z

Link Download Update 7 RELOADED (135.66 MB):

+==About First SaveGame 999 by BVR==+
* Best Armor Dragonplate and Daedric *
* All Skills: 9,999,999# *
* All Perks for All Skills# *
* Added 13 Artifacts and Books *
* Added 57 Shouts *
* Health:  9,999,999# *
* Magicka:  9,999,999# *
* Stamina:  9,999,999# *
* Carryweight:  9,999,999 *
* Gold:  9,999,999 *
* Dragon souls:  9,999,999 *
* Lockpick: 9,999 *
* Skeleton Key: 9,999 *
* Azura's Star:  9,999,999 *
* The Black Star:  9,999,999 *
NOTE: # is not Working for Update 9 v1.6.89, you must download SkyrimSuperChar by BVR to make it 100% Working for All Version SaveGame

Clean and Trainer Skyrim v1.5.26/1.5.24 and AllVersion SaveGame:
NOTE: Before download, Please take your time to see XP3BVR Promo.
Thank You for Visiting this Trusted Blog.

+==BodyFace-Item-NPC-Hair-Sound Effect Mods==+

Jumat, 02 November 2012

Torchlight II Update 6 v1.16.5.3 RELOADED Plus Trainer

Game RPG Torchlight II ada update pertamax nya, perbaikannya banyak sekali. Bismarck VanRiser telah mencobanya, ada 2 files (DATA.PAK dan DATA.PAK.MAN) di dalam folder PAKS pada versi final pertama (v1.9.5.1) yang bermasalah dan sering crash sekarang telah diperbaiki di Update 1. Silahkan download Update plus Clean and Working Trainer-nya.

What's new in Update 5 and 6:
* This is a small patch to fix a single crash issue with effects based on proximity, usually triggered in multiplayer by zoning with Battle Rage
* Fixes a crash with proximity-based effects granted by a Set bonus
* Missiles reflected by the player will not strike the player, or other friendly targets

What's new in Update 4:
*Intel HD graphics cards should not show ghosting/smearing effects if shadows are enabled

*LARGE performance optimization to buff/debuff bar displays when there are a large number of overlapping, nonexclusive effects (damage over time, and duration based effects or knockback )

*Shield Bash bonus damage now deals the stated amount(charged and uncharged)
*Wolfpack will properly strike turrets
*Bonuses due to proximity now always expire properly
*Damage bonuses/reductions for Battle Rage properly expire
*Fixed Critical Hit bonuses on some effects not properly incorporating bonuses to crit
*Pet damage bonuses are applied to effects

*Three Sisters zone now has an appropriate level range for proper NG+ reward scaling
*Various issues resolved in Luminous Arena in multiplayer
*Level determinism fixed (Was broken with precacheing in previous patch - could result in triggerable elements and some structural elements re-randomizing on load, or in multiplayer)

*Set reward for Inquisitor set altered to a functional bonus
*Fixes to the summon skull proc on equipment (prevents it from spawning exactly on a target)
*Effects based on proximate monsters now work properly with socketables
*DOTs were not properly attributing experience if the effect was applied from an item instead of a skill

*Target Dummy is Charm resistant
*Fixed issue where rebinding Close All Menus could lock you in pause mode
*Fix for shift-click casting a left-click spell and then selecting an item (would previously auto-attack)
*Pet enhancing bonuses work more consistently for pets attached to OTHER pets

Link Download Update 6-RELOADED (4.66 MB):
Note: Update 6 no need update 5, but Update 4 installed first.

Link Download Update 4-RELOADED (975.7 MB):

Link Download Update 3-RELOADED (0.98 GB):

Link Download Update 1-RELOADED (657.29 MB):

Link Download Update 1-6 v1.16.5.3 Trainer +22 (571 KB):
Pass RAR: BismarckVanRiser

Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

Windows 7 Ultimate X86 Speed Max Edition

Windows 7 ini terbilang cepat karena sudah dijampi-jampi, yup Windows 7 Ultimate X86 Speed Max Edition memang di-setting untuk PC kelas Medium, meski ukuran download-nya terbilang ringan hanya 1.72 GB dan instalasi windows-nya terbilang cepat karena itu rekomendasi BVR untuk Memory RAM yang digunakan minimal 2 GB untuk memaksimalkan speed kinerja Windows 7. Bismarck VanRiser telah mencoba Windows 7 ini, silahkan yang ingin coba langsung download...

god mod/enable
last session instalation is included
tweaked for max speed

[Control Panel Add]
My Computer=Add
User Directory=Add
Windows switcher=Add
Internet Explorer=Add
Group Policy=Add
Recycle Bin=Add

Control panel view=Large icon

Show Desktop Icons=Enable
Menu Show Delay=6
Lowlevel Hooks TimeOut=2000
Wait to Kill Application TimeOut=2000
Show Hidden Wallpapers and Themes=Enable
Paint Desktop Version=Enable
Application TimeOut=2000

[Desktop Taskbar]
Show start menu Administrative tools=Enable
Lock the taskbar=Unlock
Taskbar buttons=Combine when task bar is full
Use small icons=Enable
Show run on start menu=Enable
Start menu power button action=Shut down
Display recently opened items in the start menu and taskbar=Disable

[Explorer Shortcuts]

[Explorer Context]
Copy To=Enable
Move To=Enable
Grant Admin Permission=Enable
Open With Notepad=Enable
Open In New Window=Enable
Register and Unregister dll=Enable
Add Device Manager=Enable
Add Group Policy=Enable
Add Services=Enable
God Mode=Enable
Registry Editor=Enable
Administrative Tools=Enable
Change Cursor=Enable
Change Date and Time=Enable
Change Regional Settings=Enable
Change Sounds=Enable
Change Screen Resolution=Enable
Change Wallpaper=Enable
Desktop Icon Settings=Enable
DPI Scaling=Enable
Folder Options=Enable
God Mode=Enable
NetWork Connections=Enable
Program and Features=Enable
Registry Editors=Enable
System Properties=Enable
Task Manager=Enable
Task Scheduler=Enable
User Accounts=Enable

[Explorer Views]
Show Hidden Files and Folders=Enable
Hide File Extensions=Disable
hide Drives with No Media=Disable
Show Super Hidden Operating System Files=Enable

Anti spyware=Disable
Windows Firewall=Default

PowerDown After Shutdown=Enable
Auto Restart in the event of BSOD=Disable
Set Mouse Pointer speed Maximum=Enable
Low disk space warning=Disable
System Prefetcher=Disable
Number of recent items to display in jump list=2
Beep Sound=Disable
Command Window Background Colour=White
Full Information During Shutting Down=Enable

[Visual Effects]
Thick Window frame=Enable

[Internet Explorer]

[Media Center]

[Services]=blackviper tweak

This windows 7 max speed is fully activated

burn to dvd with low speed
install window
uncheck when ask for automatically activate when im online.
no loader or activator needed

update evrything you want from microsoft

Link Download (2 Parts 1.72 GB):