Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

Ashampoo Office 2012 v12.0.0.959 Portable USB Stick Version

Ashampoo Office 2012 adalah perangkat lunak Office yang powerful, efisien dan mudah untuk menangani dan melayani kebutuhan baik pengguna pribadi maupun perusahaan. Membuat dokumen cepat dengan sangat mudah, merampingkan dan meningkatkan spreadsheet Anda dengan grafik yang bermakna dan menarik perhatian audiens Anda dengan multimedia berbasis presentasi. Dengan Ashampoo pengolah kata TextMaker, Ashampoo PlanMaker spreadsheet, dan program presentasi grafik Ashampoo Presentations, Ashampoo Office 2012 menyediakan aplikasi yang paling penting untuk rumah dan kantor Anda. Ashampoo Office 2012 menawarkan kompatibilitas yang superior untuk Microsoft Office 2007 dan OpenOffice, yakni membaca dan menulis file Word, Excel dan PowerPoint dengan akurasi tertinggi. Program ini bahkan memungkinkan Anda untuk mengatur default jenis file ke Word, Excel, dan PowerPoint. Dan yang terbaik dari semua ini: Anda dapat menginstal Ashampoo Office 2012 pada USB stick - dan takkan pernah lagi meninggalkan rumah tanpa Office Suite Anda. Tidak peduli apakah Anda seorang pemula atau pro: dengan Ashampoo Office 2012 Anda akan selalu mencapai hasil yang sempurna dengan cepat dan mudah - di kantor maupun di rumah. 
Ashampoo TextMaker 2012

Ashampoo TextMaker 2012 is everything you expect from a word processing software: it is fast, reliable and compatible - simply everything you need to manage your everyday correspondence. Needful helpers assist in writing serial letters, printing envelopes or finding spelling mistakes. But Ashampoo TextMaker 2012 is more than just a word processor. The new object mode offers exhaustive layout capabilities for easy flyer or poster design and enables you to position graphics, text frames or drawings anywhere you want to.

In an otherwise Microsoft dominated working environment Ashampoo Office 2012 performs at its best and provides superior compatibility with Microsoft Office. Simply exchange documents with colleagues and business partners, just like you’re used to.

Ashampoo PlanMaker 2012

The spreadsheet Ashampoo PlanMaker 2012 is on par with Microsoft Excel and offers more than 330 calculation functions that cover areas such as finance, statistics, cost analysis and many more. Form objects, filter functions, automatic summation, grouping of large spreadsheets, syntax highlighting and the new “detective” (formula checker) help to ease the handling of complex charts.

Visualize and present your results trouble-free with the powerful chart module that turns your numbers into colorful yet precise charts. Choose from 70 different chart types (2D and 3D) and create column charts, bar charts, pie charts, area charts, bubble charts, pyramid charts etc. With a number of effects like reflections, smooth shadows, elegant color gradients, transparency, and many more you can give your charts a fresh and personal touch.

Ashampoo Presentations 2012

With Ashampoo Presentations 2012 you are able to create stunning presentations that will catch your audience’s attention in no time. The program offers a variety of design templates, objects, and graphic effects thus enabling you to create a multimedia slideshow that leaves nothing to be desired.

An innovative new feature in Ashampoo Presentations 2012 is the huge number of animations and transitions based on DirectX technology. Meet state-of-the-art graphics technology that goes beyond anything you ever experienced from a presentation graphics program. Animate your slides as puzzle, let them turn over like book pages, or let them burst into flames. Of course the program also offers a great variety of unobtrusive effects and classy animations to imbue your presentation with a more “serious” touch.

With this powerful presentation graphics program, your creativity knows no limits! Embed graphics in different formats, use AutoForms, crop pictures directly in the program, embed movies or audio files and use different effects like reflections, shadows, transparency or antialiasing with your objects or text blocks. Go ahead and save/export your presentation in a file format of your choice, like for example as PowerPoint presentation, HTML website or PDF document. If desired, you can also print handouts for your audience.

New Update Link Download 2 Parts 126 MB:
Mirror Link:
(Thanks to Baltagy for the Link)

NOTE: No need Activation, Keygen or Crack, Just Extract and Copy to your USB Stick (FlashDisk). Portable Software is Clean no Trojan Detected, Enjoy...

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