Minggu, 01 September 2013

Windows Blue 8.1 Final RTM build 9600

Windows 8.1 atau lebih dikenal dengan nama Windows Blue telah mencapai versi Release To Manufacturing atau RTM-nya. Meskipun Microsoft belum mengumumkan secara Resmi namun versi Final tersebut sudah dapat di-download di File Hosting. Bismarck VanRiser telah mengetes install dan ternyata memang benar ini asli versi Final (build 9600 seperti yang diberitakan oleh Softpedia). OK langsung saja cekidot..


Windows 8.1 Professional:
Windows 8 Pro is the successor to Windows 7 professional and ultimate. And is aimed at business users and enthusiastic, this edition includes all the features of Windows 8. Superior features such as remote desktop and server capabilities in Windows Server Qlmr, encrypting file system, hyper - he and the Vyachdy Raise, and also has Bytlakr. Windows Media Center for Windows 8 Pro only be purchased as a program, is offered. Site following CD Professional Edition is recommended for home users.

Windows 8.1 Enterprise:
Windows 8 Enterprise all the features of Windows 8 (with the exception of not being able to install Windows Media Center) Darestan and the addition of features for better performance also gives the IT organization. This edition will be available in most Microsoft customers.

RELEASE DATE: 08/21/2013
BUILD: 6.3.9600.16384.WINBLUE_RTM.130821-1623
FILE: Windows_8.1_EN-US_x86.ISO
SIZE: 2,915,131,392 byte
SHA-1: 802CFCD3A411D99C097EA7E747F0B6697F9BDAC4

RELEASE DATE: 08/21/2013
BUILD: 6.3.9600.16384.WINBLUE_RTM.130821-1623
FILE: Windows_8.1_EN-US_x64.ISO
SIZE: 3,899,295,744 byte
SHA-1: BC2F7FF5C91C9F0F8676E39E703085C65072139B
MD5: F104B78019E86E74B149AE5E510F7BE9

Link Download for 32-Bit (2.6 GB):

Link Download for 64-Bit (3.45 GB):
RAR Password: www.p30day.com
NOTE: Link Download support Resume with IDM

Installation Instruction:
1. After downloading all the parts, Extract it;
2. Burn ISO file onto DVD to install Windows Bootable. 
3. During installation, use the following serial number: 
Core Edition: 334NH-RXG76-64THK-C7CKG-D3VPT
Professional Edition: XHQ8N-C3MCJ-RQXB6-WCHYG-C9WKB
4. Not valid for a crack for active windows it's unpublished yet! Support Developer if you like it, buy it!

Sabtu, 20 April 2013

Windows 7 AIO 41in1 x64 x86 IE10 USB3 en-US DaRT8

Windows 7 All-in-One paling lengkap saat ini dan sudah dites install. Silahkan download sebelum Link Download dihapus.

This will not fit on a 4.37GiB Single-Layer DVDR
Use a Dual-Layer DVDR or a USB Flash drive

murphy78 presents Windows 7 AIO 41in1 x64 x86 en-US DaRT8 Mar2013
This AIO supports Windows Upgrade from previous Windows Versions.

Hotfixes included bring install current to Mar13 patch date
Internet Exporer 10, Network Drivers and USB3 Support Added!!!
The USB3 drivers are not intended for VM support.

No Windows 7 Settings were harmed in the making of this ISO.
No Programs are added to Windows.
No Unattended Settings were added to the installation.
No Registry Settings were modified.

Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset 8 included in boot options.
Features include System File Scan, Recovery, Backup restore,
Offline hotfix removal, disk cleaning and repartitioning, etc.
(Thank anarchist9027 for this AIO addition)

64-bit Sources:
X17-59465.iso (Digital River Retail Media Refresh Ult-SP1)
X17-59337.iso (Digital River Retail Media Refresh Pro-N-SP1)
en_windows_7_enterprise_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677651.iso (MSDN Media Refresh)
_EnterpriseN-GRMCNENXVOL_EN_DVD.iso (WZT Enterprise N Media Refresh leak)

32-bit Sources:
X17-59463.iso (Digital River Retail Media Refresh Ult-SP1)
X17-59335.iso (Digital River Retail Media Refresh Pro-N-SP1)
en_windows_7_enterprise_with_sp1_x86_dvd_u_677710.iso (MSDN Media Refresh)
_EnterpriseN-GRMCNENVOL_EN_DVD.iso (WZT Enterprise N Media Refresh leak)

Media Refesh versions are SP1 versions with an ascii fix (KB2534111)

Installation Indexes:
Windows 7 Starter SP1 32-bit / WinLoader / OEMLoader
Windows 7 Home Basic SP1 32-bit / WinLoader / OEMLoader
Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 32-bit / WinLoader / OEMLoader
Windows 7 Professional / N SP1 32-bit / WinLoader / OEMLoader / KMS-SS
Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 32-bit / WinLoader / OEMLoader
Windows 7 Enterprise / N SP1 32-bit / KMS-SS
Windows 7 Home Basic SP1 64-bit / WinLoader / OEMLoader
Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64-bit / WinLoader / OEMLoader
Windows 7 Professional / N SP1 64-bit / WinLoader / OEMLoader / KMS-SS
Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-bit / WinLoader / OEMLoader
Windows 7 Enterprise / N SP1 64-bit / KMS-SS

Added WinLoader and OEMLoader Indexes on non-N except Enterprise.
Added KMS-SS Indexes to Pro, Pro N, Enterprise, Enterprise N.
Default Keys were added with /set-productkey passes for Loader
indexes and gVLK keys were added to KMS-SS indexes to clear any

Release File:
Size: 6.60GiB
CRC32: 540871A7
MD5: BD2ADF21F31A306CCF0901E066BD30D0
SHA-1: 0D51BEDF0AB54F4C880FE91657516C5959F0F526

Language: en-US (English - United States)

Tools used:
Josh Cell Softwares AIO Maker 1.3 for sources split Windows Upgrade
MS Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset 8 (Thanks anarchist9027)
imagex for image compression, renaming, and export
dism for MSU KB hotfix integration and mounted file copy
oscdimg for ISO mastering
Added Info folder to installs to annoy credit thieves.

DISM KB add-package integrations:
KB2479943, KB2491683, KB2502285, KB2503665, KB2506212,
KB2506928-v2, KB2509553, KB2511455, KB2515325, KB2529073,
KB2532531, KB2536275, KB2536276-v2, KB2541014, KB2544893,
KB2545698, KB2547666, KB2552343, KB2560656, KB2563227,
KB2564958, KB2570947, KB2574819, KB2579686, KB2584146,
KB2585542, KB2592687, KB2604115, KB2618451, KB2619339,
KB2620704, KB2620712, KB2621440, KB2631813, KB2640148-v2,
KB2644615, KB2647753-v4, KB2653956, KB2654428, KB2655992,
KB2656356, KB2656411, KB2659262, KB2660075, KB2660649,
KB2661254, KB2667402-v2, KB2670838, KB2676562, KB2679255-v2,
KB2685811, KB2685813, KB2685939, KB2690533, KB2691442,
KB2698365, KB2699779-v2, KB2705219-v2, KB2709630, KB2709981-v2,
KB2712808, KB2718704, KB2719857, KB2719985, KB2726535,
KB2727528, KB2729094-v2, KB2729452, KB2732059-v5, KB2732487-v2,
KB2732500-v2, KB2736233, KB2736422, KB2739159, KB2742599,
KB2743555, KB2749655, KB2750841, KB2753842-v2, KB2756921,
KB2757638, KB2761217, KB2763523, KB2769369, KB2770660,
KB2773072, KB2778344, KB2779562, KB2785220, KB2786081,
KB2786400, KB2789645, KB2790113, KB2790655, KB2791765,
KB2799494, KB2807986, KB982018-v3

x64-Only KB files:
KB2603229, KB2645640

setupcomplete.cmd phase:
KB2533552 (online only update)
dotnetfx45_full_x86_x64 (Adds Net4.0-4.5)
KB2737083, KB2742613, KB2750147, KB2789648 (Net45 Hotfixes)
mpas-fe (Defender Updates)
KB890830 (Recent Malicious software removal tool)
System will reboot only if Windows Loader is installed.

Added Security Essentials to the ISO. You need to install
the genuine validation to use it. (KB971033)

(Thanks to CODYQX4 and Daz for their Activators)
Enjoy Pirates,
murphy78 - TPB/MDL :)

Link Download (6.6 GB):
NOTE: Link Download support IDM Resume Feature (Tested!)

Senin, 18 Maret 2013

Oracle VirtualBox Portable Plus Tips and Tricks Mediafire

Sebenarnya dari kemarin ingin share tentang software yang satu ini. Memang agak ribet jelasin tentang Software ini karena Software ini beda daripada yang lain. Dengan Software ini, kita bisa membuat Operating System baru (Guest OS) pada OS Utama kita (Host OS) jadi istilahnya Windows di dalam Windows, keren kan? Selain Windows, support juga untuk Linux, Mac OS X, AndroID, dsb.
Yang ingin Bismarck VanRiser Share kali ini adalah versi Portable (Thanks to Baltagy) yang mana Anda Tak Perlu install lagi. Tapi Anda tidak boleh menaruh Extract-an VirtualBox Anda pada Sembarang Folder karena VirtualBox tidak akan bisa meng-install Guest OS Anda.

Link download v4.2.10.84104 x86-x64 Portable PAF (68.43 MB):
Tutorial Plus made by BVR:
Ok setelah Anda Download ikutilah Langkah-langkahnya sebagai berikut:
1. Extract file ZIP yang sudah Anda Download
2. Expand (Telusuri) Folder tersebut sampai Anda ketemu 5 items (3 Folder: app32, data, source dan 2 File Portable-VirtualBox.EXE dan Website Link Baltagy yang boleh Anda Hapus) sehingga yang penting itu 4 items (app32, data, source dan Portable-VirtualBox.EXE)
3. Folder yang ada keempat items tersebut, Anda Rename (ganti nama) menjadi VirtualBox
4. Copy Folder VirtualBox ke Folder C:\Program Files menjadi C:\Program Files\VirtualBox
5. Open (buka) File Portable-VirtualBox.EXE dan tunggu sejenak samapai keluar Tulisan Error: Please start VirtualBox again, so that all paths can be adapted!
6. Tidak apa-apa, itu normal Anda klik OK saja maka terbuka program VirtualBox-nya.
7. Close (Tutup) VirtualBox Anda dengan klik tanda x di pojok kanan atas.
8. Buka lagi File Portable-VirtualBox.EXE, kali ini tidak ada Tulisan Error lagi.
9. Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager (Portable) Anda sudah aktif dan Working dengan normal.

Untuk Penggunaan Oracle VirtualBox, Anda bisa ikuti Prosedurnya sebagai berikut:
1. Klik Gambar Matahari yang tulisannya: New
2. Klik Next, pada Kolom Name: Anda beri nama nama Guest OS Anda misalnya XP3, Win7, Linux,dsb. Kolom OS Type: Anda Pilih sesuai dengan Jenis/Tipe Guest OS Anda misalnya kalau Anda Install XP3 maka Anda pilih Microsoft Windows dan Windows XP lalu klik Next
3. Untuk Kolom Memory, Anda bisa geser atau Memasukkan Angka secara Manual pada kolom sebelah Kiri MB. Karena tadi kita contohnya install Win XP3 maka 256 MB saya rasa cukup untuk XP3. Klik Next
4. Virtual Hard Disk, pilih Option 1Create new hard disk lalu klik tombol Next
5. Untuk membuat Virtual Disk, pilih Option 3VHD (Virtual Hard Disk) lalu klik tombol Next
6. Virtual disk storage details, pilih Option 1Dynamically allocated lalu klik tombol Next
7. Virtual disk file location and size, Location itu letak Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) Anda berada C:\Program Files\VirtualBox\data\.VirtualBox\Machines (Anda dapat mengubah Location VHD di Folder Manapun, Misalnya di D:\ atau E:\). Anda perlu menamakan file VHD Anda misalnya XP3. Pada kolom Size adalah Ukuran File VHD Anda. Untuk Windows XP3 saya rasa 5.00 GB cukup. Perhatikan, kalau Anda Geser Kursornya untuk cari 5.00 GB pasti Tidak Pas jatuhnya di 4.91 atau 5.11 GB. Untuk Pas 5.00 GB, Anda harus menuliskan Angka secara Manual pada kolom sebelah Kanan menjadi 5.00 GB maka secara Automatis Kursor akan bergerak mengikuti angka 5.00 GB. Setelah itu, Anda tekan tombol Next
8. Summary, klik tombol Create maka akan kembali ke Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager tapi bedanya kali ini tombol Gear tulisan Setting dan tanda Panah ke Kanan tulisan Start sudah timbul yang bisa di-klik.
9. Tekan Tombol Start (Panah ke Kanan) ada tulisan VirtualBox - Information klik OK
10. First Run Wizard, klik Next
11. Select Installation Media, masukkan CD/DVD Install OS Anda dalam Format DMG, ISO, CDR (OS Windows 7 dan XP3 yang saya share di awal-awal saya nge-blog semuanya berformat ISO, silahkan Anda Download). Setelah itu klik Next
12. Summary klik Start maka Anda akan masuk pada Proses Instalasi OS baru.

Demikianlah Step-by-Step tentang Cara Penggunaan VirtualBox Portable. Awal-awal memank agak sulit, yang penting Anda ikuti Setiap Langkah di atas maka lama-kelamaan Anda Pasti Lancar.

Google Chrome 25.0.1364.172 Stable Version Online Mediafire

Pasti semua sudah tahu tentang Web Browser yang Terkenal karena masih Anak dari mbah Google, yap Google Chrome 24.0.1312.60 Stable Version sudah support dengan IDM 6.14 Terbaru. Seperti kita ketahui Google Chrome memiliki 3 Versi: Versi Dev (sama dengan Alpha Version), Versi Beta, dan terakhir adalah Versi Stabil (Final Version). Jadi masih yang masih menggunakan versi Dev dan Beta harus coba Versi Stabil ini karena sudah support segala-galanya termasuk IDM Terbaru.

Link Download Portable PAF (32.33 MB):

cFosSpeed 9.02 Build 2032 Final and NetScream Portable Activated Forever

BismarckVanRiser kembali Posting tentang NetScream 2011 Terbaru tapi kali ini NetScream tidak sendirian melainkan BVR kasih Pasangannya yaitu cFosSpeed 9.02 Build 2032 Final. BVR telah membuktikan kedasyatan kedua software tersebut jika digabungkan. Secara nyata dapat mengoptimalkan Kecepatan dan Kestabilan Koneksi Internet kita. Apalagi mulai versi 7 cFosSpeed telah support Bahasa Tercinta: Bahasa Indonesia. Let's cekidot changelog di versi terbaru ini.

Link Download cFosSpeed 9.02 Build 2032 Final (4.71 MB):

cFosSpeed Crack and Tips-n-Tricks Avtivated Forever:
Password Rar: BismarckVanRiser

Link Download NetScream Latest Portable Version (682 KB):

NOTE: Didalam cFosSpeed Crack BismarckVanRiser memberikan 2 Plihan Cara supaya cFosSpeed Anda bisa Aktif Selamanya. Anda bisa menggunakan Trial Reset seperti yang Anda lakukan pada Microsoft Office 2010, akan tetapi mungkin ada beberapa orang Kuatir akan Safety-nya menggunakan Trial Reset karena Trial Reset telah dianggap BlackList di mata sebagian besar Perusahaan Software Antivirus yang menilai Trial Reset itu merugikan Pembuat Third-Party Software. Nah BismarckVanRiser telah memberikan Tips-n-Tricks bagaimana Anda dapat terus menggunakan cFosSpeed tanpa Trial Reset. Silahkan download saja semua disiapkan BismarckVanRiser.

NetScream Full USB Version Only 682 KB

NetScream merupakan Software Simple untuk mempercepat Koneksi Internet kita menjadi lebih Optimal dan Stabil. Bismarck VanRiser menggunakan Software ini sudah 1 tahun dari versi 2010. BVR mengawinkannya dengan cFosSpeed dan Luar Biasa dampaknya. Dengan Koneksi Internet yang Stabil,  BismarckVanRiser dapat men-download Games dan Software yang berukuran besar sampai Giga-an. Silahkan yang mau mencoba, BVR share yang sudah jadi alias PORTABLE USB VERSION. Jangan Lupa baca file Readme terlebih dahulu untuk menjadi Full Version.
Link Download (682 KB only):

Minggu, 17 Maret 2013

Avant Browser Ultimate 2013 with Triple Engine Trident-Gecko-Chrome

Avant Browser Ultimate 2013 versi Terbaru ini Jauh lebih Keren dari Versi sebelumnya. Kalau dulu Versi Ultimate gabungan 2 Engine Web Browser Trident (Internet Explorer Engine) dan Gecko (Mozilla Engine), sekarang dibenamkan lagi Engine Chrome, Wow keren bukan? Kita bisa Browsing, Download atau Nonton Video Streaming di Youtube cukup dengan satu Web Browser saja. Cara Mengganti Engine-nya juga mudah sekali cukup Click Menu "Tools"=>"Default Rendering Engine"=>Anda tinggal pilih IEx Standards or Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome=>Restart Avant Browser. Makanya Anda harus coba the Best Web Browser ala BVR.

Avant Browser 2013 build 21 (11.03.2013):

[Update]firefox engine:19.0.2
[update]chrome engine:25.0.1364.160
[Fix]print preview problem under IE engine
[Fix]roboform:couldn't fill form using content menu
[Fix]some focus problem
[Fix]close tab problem when using different ways to open tabs
[Fix]Avant covered the taskbar when in maximize state
[Fix]Avant frame did not respond under certain situation
[Fix]link tooltip didn't show up sometimes under IE engine
[Fix]three buttons missed under full screen/desktop mode
[Fix]detach tab problem
[Fix]the auto hided taskbar didn't pop up sometimes
[Fix]taskbar didn't pop up when pressing Windows key under full screen mode

      Link Download From Official Website (43.6 MB):

      Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Dragonborn and Dawnguard DLC v1.8.151 Plus Beauty Pack-Trainer-SaveGame Mediafire

      Update terlengkap dan Terbaru untuk CBBEv5BVR Final Best of Skyrim Beauty Pack. Selain itu CBBEv5BVR sekarang bisa di-update menggunakan RealLike ENB dan Fair Skin Complexion (FSC)CBBEv5BVR-V3 semakin Sempurna dan compatible dengan berbagai Armor Mods karena merupakan hasil Perpaduan 4 Metode CBBE-UNP-CHSBHC-Sanhoshin dan 4 Human RACE: Nord-Breton-Cherry-Ashen, bisa jadi inilah The Best of Skyrim Nude Mods. Bukan hanya itu BVR juga telah meng-upload First SaveGame SuperChar sehingga Anda tidak perlu repot membuat Female Char baru, semuanya sudah termasuk dengan FallOut3 Hair Natural Type 16. Bagi yang ingin meng-edit char lama Anda tanpa Skill Reset bisa dilihat disini.
      UPDATE CBBEv5BVR: Update Terbaru dan Terlengkap CBBEv5BVR hanya 12 Mega-an. Ada First SaveGame baru sudah include dengan FallOut3 Hair Type16 hanya 2.2 MB dan Update Fair Skin Complexion (FSC)-NidiasFace bisa Anda download.

      ViewReal ENB: Sekarang makin lengkap dan sempurna bahkan di Dungeon sekalipun tetap Lighting-nya sempurna. Silahkan dicoba dan dijamin ini adalah ENB teringan dan terbaik untuk Skyrim.

      *+=Download Body Patch=+*
      New CBBEv5BVR (Final Best of Skyrim Beauty Pack)
      Key Features of CBBEv5BVR-V3:
      => No need ENB but you can use it according to your needs
      => Support Full-Set HD can even run smoothly in Low Quality Graphics without HD Texture
      => The Char's Skin more White and Clear
      => Support more Armor and Hair Mods you can use
      => Compatible with All SaveGames
      => Animation when Walking, Running and Jumping
      => Facial Structure are more complete in Jaw, Cheek, Eyes, Brows and Mouth

      Download Best ViewReal ENB for CBBE-N-BVR (977 KB):

      Additional Download Fair Skin Complexion by HHaleyy:
      FSC-Envision Face Feature (1.07 MB)
      FSC-Pretty Face Feature (1.58 MB)
      FSC-Univision Patch Feature (1.05 MB)
      New! FSC-NidiasFace Feature (861 KB)
      Pass RAR: BismarckVanRiser
      NOTE: Download All 3 Features of FSC, combine it with Sanhoshin Eyes, Copy at folder "Skyrim\Data\textures\actors\character\female". To enable the Features, press the Tilde (~) at the Keyboard below the ESC key. Then Type: showracemenu, press the Enter key and the tilde (~) again to close. Press R key to Rename Your Char.

      Nipple Piercing tidak mengakibatkan komplikasi saat BreastFeeding apalagi yang menyusu Balita diBawah 50 Tahun

      *+=About First SaveGame SuperChar by BVR=+*
      => (New) SaveGame is Before Head-cut Execution in Helgen
      => (New) Your Char is Nord Oriental Beauty Female made by BVR so you don't need edit the char again
      => (New) FallOut3 Hair Natural Type 16 has be added, see "Readme_Instruction.txt" I've made for you
      => Best Armor Dragonplate and Daedric
      => Added Some Sexy Armor when you use Remodeled Armor NPC
      => All Perks for All Skills
      => (New Fix) All Skills: N/C so Your Char Level will be increase
      => Added 13 Artifacts and Books
      => Added 57 Shouts
      => Health: 9,999
      => Magicka: 9,999
      => Stamina: 9,999
      => Carryweight: 99,999
      => Gold:  999,999
      => (New Fix) Dragon souls: N/C but you can "Update for Dragon Soul 9999" (see "Readme_Instruction.txt"), use it when you kill First Dragon in Western Watchtower around Whiterun
      => Lockpick: 999
      => Skeleton Key: 999
      => Azura's Star: 9,999
      => The Black Star: 9,999
      1. First SaveGame SuperChar only work for Update8 v1.5.26 and latest Update9 v1.6.89, so update your Skyrim to the Update8or9
      2. Your Char Name is Dragonborn, you can edit the name by type symbol (~) in the Keyboard and type: "showracemenu" (without the quotes), type the longer symbol (~) and the letters R and enter a new name, Finish.

      Download SaveGame SuperChar + FallOut3 Hair Type16 by BVR:

      Download Update Char Level to 10 for playing Dawnguard DLC:
      Pass RAR: BismarckVanRiser

      New! Download 1stSave BeautyChar + FallOut3 Hair Type16 by BVR:

      *+=About Dragonborn add-on DLC=+*
      With this official add-on for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, journey off the coast of Morrowind, to the island of Solstheim. Encounter new towns, dungeons, and quests, as you traverse the ash wastes and glacial valleys of this new land. Become more powerful with shouts that bend the will of your enemies and even tame dragons. Your fate, and the fate of Solstheim, hangs in the balance as you face off against your deadliest adversary – the first Dragonborn.

      Dragonborn Key Features:
      => Explore Beyond Skyrim – Leave the province of Skyrim and travel to the coastal island of Solstheim. Encounter the Dark Elven settlers of Raven Rock and the native Skaal, as you unravel the mystery of a Dragonborn’s return.
      => Become the Ultimate Dragonborn – Harness the power of the Voice as you face off against the first Dragonborn. Wield new shouts and spells including Dragon Aspect – allowing you to summon the inner power of a dragon to deliver colossal blows and strengthen other shouts.
      => New Powers – Discover dark powers as you journey into a new Daedric realm. Collect books of forbidden knowledge and choose new paths for your skills and abilities.
      => New dungeons, creatures, weapons, and more – Suit up in Bonemold and Chitin armors and wield Stalhrim weapons as you navigate through a myriad of dungeons. Battle formidable foes like Ash Spawn, Rieklings, and more.

      Feather Sexy Armor CHSBHC, beberapa armor dari Alan's BBP Armor Pack menggunakan CHSBHC Body Pack

      What's New on Update 11 v1.8.151.0:
      BUG FIXES:
      * General memory and stability improvements *
      * Fixed rare crash when using vampiric grip *
      * Fixed issue where Arnleif and Sons Trading Company could become permanently locked *
      * Fixed issue related to duplicate NPCs *
      * Fixed rare issue where exterior door would not open properly *

      What's New on Update 9 v1.
      * Mounted Combat - Skyrim now allows you to do melee and ranged combat while riding a horse *

      BUG FIXES:
      => General stability and memory optimizations
      => General AI pathfinding optimizations and bug fixes
      => Optimizations and crash fixes for data leaks
      => Fixed rare crash with lighting
      => Fixed crashes related to loading and saving games
      => Fixed crash with summoned creatures/NPCs
      => Fixed rare issue where saves would be corrupted
      => Improved logic for when ranged kill cams are played
      => Fixed issue with ranged kill cams while killing a dragon
      => Fixed rare issue with certain ranged kill cams not playing properly
      => Fixed issue with nirnroot lighting not properly cleaning up
      => Fixed issue where bow damage was being calculated incorrectly
      => Fixed rare problem with werewolf kill moves would not finish animating properly
      => In "The Break of Dawn" fixed rare issue where Meridia's Beacon would disappear from player's inventory
      => Fixed occasional issue where followers would disappear after player pays off a bounty after committing a crime
      => Fixed issue where certain creatures and NPCs would fail to respawn properly
      => Fixed rare issue with dialogue subtitles not displaying properly
      => Fixed issue with water appearing blurry when loading a saved game after creating a save underwater
      => Fixed issue where map cursor would occasionally disappear after closing a message box with Kinect enabled (Xbox 360)
      => Fixed rare issue with shouts only performing the first level and not other unlocked levels with Kinect enabled (Xbox 360)
      => Fixed issue where the shout buttons would stop working properly if users mashed LB and RB during cooldown with Kinect enabled (Xbox 360)

      Rogue Mini tanpa CD cocok dengan CBBE v5 Update Body Pack

      Link Download Dragonborn add-on DLC (1.12 GB):

      Mirror Link:
      or 200 MB Link Download:

      steam_api.dll clean trojan-free for update v1.8.151:

      Link Download Skyrim Dawnguard DLC (709 MB):
      NOTE: Packages include Update 9 RELOADED and Update 10 Patch v1.

      Video about Location and How to Start the Dawnguard Quest:

      Link Download Skyrim HeartFire DLC (62.9 MB):

      Link Download Update 11 RELOADED (94.33 MB):

      Pass RAR: cs.rin.ru

      Link Download Update 9 RELOADED (135.48 MB):

      Link Download Update 8 RELOADED (132.98 MB):
      Pass: invazor-z

      Link Download Update 7 RELOADED (135.66 MB):

      Download Clean&Working Trainer Skyrim Update 7-8-9-10-11:
      NOTE: Before download, Please take your time to see XP3BVR Promo.
      Thank You for Visiting this Trusted Blog

      *+=BVR-Skyrim Mods Photo Album=+*

      *+=Download NPC Mods=+*
      Decent Women - Improve Female NPCs Face (86.3 MB)
      Naked NPC and Follower (540 KB)
      *+=Download Armor Mods=+*
      *+=Download Sound Effect Mods=+*
      Sound Replacer (65.55 MB)
      *+=Download Beauty Hair Mods=+*
      Apachii Sky Hair (118.69 MB)
      Numenume Hair (30.50 MB)
      Hair Pack (50.41 MB)
      NOTES: How to install Hair Mods:
      1. Copy folder "meshes" and "textures" and file .esm/.esp to the Skyrim "Data" folder
      2. Go to "Documents\My Games\Skyrim" and open "SkyrimPrefs.ini" and find [Launcher], edit with:
      3. Save it and Close
      4. Open "SkyrimLauncher.exe"=>"DATA FILES" and Check list mods you want

      *+=Download Armor-Weapon-Acc for Advanced User=+*
      Juliet Uniform CBBE3 (13.45 MB)
      Gatti 14 Yumiko (1.71 MB)
      Morrigan Set (1.65 MB)
      Two Casual Wears CBBE3 (11.24 MB)
      Julia sets (1.4 MB)
      Sexy Kunoichi (9.27 MB)
      Sylphid (12.01 MB)
      Dark Sisterhood Armor (4.86 MB)
      Gatti 07 Siggy Royal ReTexture (2.86 MB)
      Amiella Outfit (6.48 MB)
      Maxwell Outfit (4.03 MB)
      Maxi Armor CBBEv3M (8.22 MB)
      Maxi Armor for UNP Body (5.68 MB)
      Karliah Armor v2 CBBE3 (6.19 MB)
      Karliah Armor v2 CBBE3 Update (1.55 MB)
      Desert Wind Armor (19.37 MB)
      Hentai's Kara Armor CBBE3 (16.94 MB)
      Gatti QB Collection (13.72 MB)
      All-in-One 3DM Mods Collection (478 MB)*
      * There're some Final Fantasy Weapon called Tsuguri = Cloud FF7 Sword

      New CBBE Armor by Hentai (Exclusive for CBBEv5BVR-V3):
      Jamella Armor by Hentai (5.31 MB)
      Void armor by Hentai (4.9 MB)
      Hentai Mixed Armor by MAK (575 KB)
      Install Notes: Extract Jamella+Void+Mixed Armor and copy into Folder Skyrim/Data. Use Mixed Armor, Void Boots and Void Gauntlets.

      Baju Ketat memperlihatkan bagian bawah boobs atau istilahnya "Neathage" sedang menjadi Trend masa kini

      New CBBE-UNP-CHSBHC Armor Mods for Advanced User:
      Elysium Armor v1.1 CBBE BBP (12.45 MB)
      Gold Butterfly v1.1 CHSBHC (14.32 MB)
      Black Lace Cutie Dress UNP (24.39 MB)
      Night Princess Outfit CBBE BBP (5.96 MB)
      Fire Butterfly (14.38 MB)
      Al3d Hot Dress Nume CBBEv3 BBP (10.84 MB)
      Soka Armor ADEC BBP (3.47 MB)
      Heavy Metal Plus CHSBHC (10.33 MB)
      Heavy Metal Plus Update (1.07 MB) SS=>here
      Pink Butterfly CHSBHC BBP (15.29 MB)
      HellONHeels Outfit CHSBHC BBP (7.6 MB)
      HeatWave CBBE BBP (6.32 MB)
      YoungTrap CBBE (30.45 MB)
      Bad Medicine C4B (40.3 MB)
      Arkangel Armor UNP (41.55 MB)
      Arkangel Armor CBBE (18.03 MB-Requires UNP mod files)
      Ars Magika CHSBHC (83.33 MB)
      SF Poison ADEC Body (7.65 MB)
      Saber Dress Fate Stay Knight by Hentai (5.21 MB)
      Hentaigale Armor by Hentai (5.24 MB)
      Karliah Armor by Hentai (5.61 MB)
      Nightmare Armor by Hentai (9.06 MB)
      Vidalla Dress by Hentai (5.33 MB)
      Triss Armor (19.25 MB) Triss is Female Char of The Witcher series RPG
      Bikini Clothes (9.74 MB)
      Ochin Clothing (24.59 MB)*
      * The complete series will be found by The box is placed in front Breezehome of Whiterun
      Schoolgirl Outfits (61.24 MB)
      NOTE: If the textures of the outfit look all black, either enter an area and leave, or save the game, exit skyrim, and re-enter. Tested by BVR, 100% Working.
      Outfit of the Royal High School (21.27 MB)
      NOTE: press the tilde (`) button on your keyboard (console command):
      player.additem (xx)a1a1a1 1
      player.additem (xx)a1a1a2 1
      player.additem (xx)a1a1a3 1
      BVR xx Skyrim Code are 05, maybe will be different with yours.
      S&D outfit v1.1 SET-1 (9.94 MB)
      S&D summer v1.0 SET-2 (10.68 MB)
      Onechanbara Kagura Bikini Set (3.35 MB)
      Onechanbara Kagura Set Glossy (1.49 MB)
      Blade and Soul Qipao (2.57 MB)

      Alan's BBP Armor Pack01 v2.2 (10 Parts 1.45 GB):

      Alan's BBP Armor Pack02 (3 Parts 435 MB):
      BBP ArmorPack ESP Files Option (45 KB)
      Breast Size Adjustment Patch (10 KB)
      1st Person View Patch (4 KB)
      BSA Unpacker (12 KB)
      New Hot Dragon Princess Armor for Alan BBP (7.46 MB)
      For the Screenshot, visit Alan's Album
      Tutorial Install Alan BBP Armor Pack by BVR:
      1. Extract file "BBP_ArmorPack.7z.001" with 7-Zip and copy to Skyrim/Data
      2. Extract file BBP_ArmorPack v2.02(fix3)_CTD.7z and copy to Skyrim/Data
      3. Extract file "BBP_ArmorPack_Options(EN).7z" and choose one file .esp copy to Skyrim/Data
      4. To see All items on file "BBP_ArmorPack.bsa", use BSA Unpacker (no need extract, just see it) to help you to choose Item Name

      New Armor Mods (Tested):
      3DM Lingling Collection (641 MB):

      SantaRobes (2.7 MB)

      TERA Armor Collection by darthanimal:
      Tera HMF Armors (15.05 MB)
      Tera HEF Armors (35.26 MB)
      Tera daitensi (18.46 MB)

      Cara Instal Item Mods For Advanced User:
      1. Backup terlebih dahulu 2 Folder "meshes" dan "textures" dalam folder "Skyrim/Data"
      2. Backup pula Savegame Anda
      3. Extract Mods dan pindahkan ke folder "Skyrim/Data" termasuk file .esp
      4. Aktifkan file .esp dari SkyrimLauncer.exe=>DATA FILES=>Centang Mods yang akan digunakan. Perhatikan Options settingan Grafik Anda tidak sedang menggunakan Windowes Mode (Jangan dicentang option tersebut)
      5. Jalankan Game Skyrim dan Load Savegame
      6. Tekan Tilde (~) dari Keyboard (Under ESC Key)
      7. Ketik: help ***** 0 atau help ***** 4 (***** adalah nama mods yang akan digunakan), contoh Anda ingin mengunakan Numenume Bikini maka ketik: help numenume 0 atau help numenume 4
      8. Nanti akan keluar Item Code, lalu masukan dengan Format:
      player.additem ######## 1 (#=>8 Digit kode, 1=>Jumlah Item). Contoh Anda ingin menggunakan Armor Numenume Bikini Skirt (VGA Card Anda harus support minimal Medium Quality untuk menggunakan Armor  Numenume Bikini Skirt, lihat ScreenShot dibawah), kode item tersebut tidak terlihat namun item dengan nama yang sama umumnya menggunakan no seri yang berurutan. Cobalah Anda tekan tombol keyboard "PageUp" dan temukan Item yang dimaksud. Untuk memasukan no seri selanjutnya atau sebelumnya, Anda tak perlu mengetik ulang cukup gunakan tombol "Atas/Bawah" pada Keyboard Anda
      9. Setelah Anda mendapatkan item-item tersebut, silahkan tutup dengan menekan tombol Tilde (~)
      10. Selamat Mencoba dan berkreasi sepuas-puasnya menggunakan Mods namun harus Bijak memilih Mods yang benar-benar Anda minati.

      Numenume Bikini Skirt body CHSBHC dengan 'Goyang Dada' minimal menggunakan Grafik Medium Quality

      Avant Browser 2013 Build 21 Final Stable Version

      Bila ditanya Web Browser apa saja yang digunakan Admin BismarckVanRiser untuk Browsing, maka saya akan menjawab ada 3 Web Browser yang biasa saya gunakan untuk Browsing yaitu Avant Browser (Competible with Internet Explorer), Mozilla Firefox Portable, dan terakhir Google Chrome Portable. Tapi yang Paling Sering saya gunakan, tak lain adalah Avant Browser. Saya sangat kepincut sama Avant Browser karena selain Simple mudah digunakan, Lengkap dengan ukuran File yang Kecil (hanya 4 MB-Setup, 15 MB setelah terinstall), juga Rendah Memory Resources. Versi 2013 ini pertama kalinya Avant Browser support Bahasa Indonesia. Anda bisa Hapus Bahasa-bahasa lainnya di folder X:\Program Files\Avant Browser\Lang cukup sisakan 2 File saja: eng.lng (default English) dan ind.lng (Bahasa Indonesia). Silahkan dicicipi mumpung masih hangat.

      Avant Browser 2013 build 21 (11.03.2013):

      [Update]firefox engine:19.0.2
      [update]chrome engine:25.0.1364.160
      [Fix]print preview problem under IE engine
      [Fix]roboform:couldn't fill form using content menu
      [Fix]some focus problem
      [Fix]close tab problem when using different ways to open tabs
      [Fix]Avant covered the taskbar when in maximize state
      [Fix]Avant frame did not respond under certain situation
      [Fix]link tooltip didn't show up sometimes under IE engine
      [Fix]three buttons missed under full screen/desktop mode
      [Fix]detach tab problem
      [Fix]the auto hided taskbar didn't pop up sometimes
      [Fix]taskbar didn't pop up when pressing Windows key under full screen mode

      Link Download Latest Version (4.07 MB):

      Mozilla Firefox 19.0.2 Final USB Portable Online Mediafire

      Mozilla mengeluarkan Web Browser terbarunya v19.0.2 dan pasti semua sudah pada tahu..Yap Mozilla Firefox memang Web Browser no 1 yang paling banyak digunakan Internet User di Seluruh Dunia. Bismarck VanRiser menyediakan Versi Portable PAF Online Installer dimana Anda untuk installnya cukup connect internet lalu pilih di Folder mana Fixefox Anda terinstall, tunggu sejenak dan jeng jreng jadilah Firefox Portable yang bisa dibawa kemana-mana dengan USB dan uniknya versi PAF ini semua data-data online Firefox Anda ada di dalam Folder Firefox Anda (X:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\Data\Profile) jadi jika Anda ingin bersih-bersih Firefox Anda tinggal hapus folder "Profile" nya saja, maka jadilah Firefox Anda baru kembali. Simple bukan? Inilah The Best Mozilla Firefox Portable Version...
      HOT UPDATE: Firefox Portable PAF sekarang bisa berjalan sempurna tanpa adanya masalah "Profile is yet in use by another Firefox". BVR telah menemukan Formulanya dan sudah dites berkali-kali selalu working 100%. Sekarang Anda sudah bisa menggunakan Firefox Portable PAF dengan segala kelebihannya.

      Link Download Firefox 19.0.2 Portable Online (432 KB):
      Select language and enter Version Number: 19.0.2

      Profile is yet in use by another Firefox Fixed By BVR:
      Pass RAR: BismarckVanRiser
      NOTE: Extract and overwrite FirefoxPortable.exe to FirefoxPortable main folder.
      Ekstrak dan timpa FirefoxPortable.exe ke folder utama FirefoxPortable.

      NOTE: Caranya installnya sangat mudah, Anda tinggal jalankan Installernya lalu Pilih Bahasa (Default: English) dan pilih Lokasi Folder sesuai Keinginan Anda (misal X:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox). Tunggu sebentar sampai Proses Install selesai (15 MB only to be downloaded) tetapi setelah extract menjadi 35 MB. BVR sudah Menggunakan versi Firefox Portable PAF ini sejak dari versi 4.0. Kelebihan dari Versi Portable PAF ini adalah Add-ons Extension IDM CC v7.3.12 sudah terintegrasi langsung dengan Firefox sehingga Anda dapat mendownload File melalui Internet Download Manager dengan Klik Kanan Mouse lalu pilih Download with IDM.

      Rabu, 06 Februari 2013

      GoldWave 5.68 One of The Best Audio Editing Software

      Bagi yang telah download Album Pertama GMB 1996 Best Quality MP3 Versi 2 yang kata banyak orang bilang Album ini sudah sulit dicari baik kaset maupun CD-nya, tentu sudah tahu untuk apa Software ini? Yup, Anda tidak salah lagi inilah Audio Editing Software yang digunakan BismarckVanRiser untuk mengedit Lagu yang tadinya memiliki Noise yang tinggi dan Kualitas Suaranya lembam menjadi Hilang Noise-nya sama sekali dan Kualitas Suaranya menjadi lebih Bagus, Kencang dan tentu lebih Enak Didengar. BVR sediakan 2 Versi: Portable PAF dan Installer Plus Serial.

      Link Download Portable (5.8 MB):
      In first screen, enter: 5.68

      Link Download (Setup 7.58 MB):

      Advanced SystemCare Pro 6 Final Latest Version and Portable Activated Forever

      IObit akhirnya merilis Advanced SystemCare Pro 6 Final Terbaru dan BismarckVanRiser telah mencobanya dan WOW mungkin ini bisa jadi Tweaking Utilities Software Terbaik saat ini. Betapa tidak, IObit telah memperbaiki Fitur Registry Defrag-nya yang paling mencolok di versi 5 ini. BismarckVanRiser akan membagikan 2 Versi yaitu Versi Installer dan Versi Portable. Yang mana yang Anda pilih, itu sama saja. Versi Installer pun begitu Anda install sekali saja lalu Anda Backup atau Kompres dengan WinRAR atau 7-Zip lalu Anda Uninstall Advanced SystemCare dan setelah itu Anda Extract File yang tadi Anda kompres (Taruh Folder Advanced SystemCare ke Folder yang Anda inginkan), Anda jalankan file ASC.exe...Selesai, mudah bukan? Telah dites oleh BVR, hasilnya Working.

      Link Download Installer from CNet (25.81 MB):

      Versi Final Portable from Baltagy (32.6 MB):

      Serial and Tutorial Activated Forever:

      NOTE: Kelebihan dari Versi Portable (Baltagy), jika Anda install ulang Windows maka Setting-an ASC Anda tidak berubah (jika belum terhapus software ASC-nya). Sama halnya seperti Tweaking Utilities Software pada umumnya untuk Awal Pengecekan (Scanning) Pertama kali, Centang (Select All) semua Fitur yang ada di Deep Care (Sebelumnya Anda dapat melakukan Setting terlebih dahulu). Setelah Scanning dan Repair pertama selesai dijalankan maka untuk selanjutnya Anda hanya perlu mengaktifkan 3 Fitur umum di setiap Tweaking Software yaitu Deep Registry Fix (Registry Cleaner), Privacy Sweep (Privacy Cleaner) dan Junk Files Clean (Disk Cleaner). Untuk Fitur lainnya bisa Anda lakukan Pengecekan 1 atau 2 minggu sekali. Demikianlah Tips and Tricks dari Bismarck VanRiser, semoga bermanfaat untuk Anda semua.

      Ashampoo Burning Studio 2013 v12.0.5 Portable Mediafire

      Sudah lama tidak posting Portable Software versi PAF, Bismarck VanRiser ingin membagikan Software yang tidak asing lagi untuk Burning CD/DVD karena memang Ashampoo Burning Studio 2013 merupakan Burning Software Alternatif Terbaik selain Nero Burning ROM. Apalagi kita tahu bahwa Ashampoo selalu membuat Software Mantap dan Mudah digunakan bahkan untuk orang Awam sekalipun seperti BVR. Baiklah kita langsung lihat Reviews dan langsung download software-nya.

      Comprehensive suite of recording to burn your CD, DVD and even Blu-ray. It has all the basics in a recorder: recording / copying of disks. The first option of the program is to create yourself a collection of files and burn to CD, DVD or BD. However, if you want to do is to copy one disk to another, then select the fifth option "Copy a CD / DVD / Blu-ray".
       As for movie recording, Ashampoo Burning Studio will let you create DVDs of your videos (will be on the hard disk), create Video CDs and Super Video CD. If what is the music moves you, Ashampoo Burning Studio offers several options: to create an audio CD with the music you have on your PC, burn a MP3 or WMA (for compatibility with MP3 players that support and / or WMA ) and finally extract music from audio CDs to pass to the PC.
       It also presents a new Editor and Movie Player that allows you to edit and combine videos before burning them to DVD. The Movie Editor has functions for cutting, transitions and fades, create subtitles, titles and more, along with a menu editor with animated themes to create great-looking interfaces in your DVD.
      (Right-Click then Open in New Tab to Enlarge ScreenShot)

      * Burn CDs, DVDs or Blu-ray *
       * Update pre-recorded discs *
       * To safeguard important data in one or more CDs, DVDs or Blu-ray *
       * Extract music files from a CD in various formats *
       * Burn music as audio CD or mp3 or wma collections *
      * Burn Blu-ray and HD videos in Full HD from existing files *
       * Copy CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray *
       * Create and burn disc images *
       * Erase rewriteable discs *
       * Create modified copies of existing discs *
       * Design and print labels and booklets *

      Link Download v12.0.5 (49.71 MB):
      NOTE: Need Microsoft .NET Framework 4 to change to Compact Mode View

      Install Notes:
      1. Extract file RAR
      2. Install file "Burning_Studio_Portable_12.0.1_Multilingual.paf.exe" to Folder Wherever you want
      3. Run file "BurningStudio12Portable.exe"
      4. Enjoy and BUY it if you like this Software from Software Developer (Ashampoo)